skin, after he has been pronounced clean, the priest shall re—exami¤e him, and if he observes aspreading on the skin of the patient, the priest need not examine for the yellow hair; he is unclean. But if when the patient stands for re-inspection and black hair has sprung up on himkthe patient is cured. T he priest shall pronounce him clean. ‘ And if a man or woman has in the
skin of their body a. bright shining with whiteness, then the priest shall examine, and if he observes in the skin of their body a bright shining, with whiteness, it is an eruption flowering in the skin. It is clean. ‘ And if a person is sprinkled with
baldness on hishead he is clean. And if at the front of his face his head is sprinkled, it is fore—baldness. He is clean. But if there should be upon his bald head or forehead, a whitish· red outbreak, it is an ulcerous attack, whether on the crown or the forehead ; so the priest shall examine it, and if he observes a rising white—reddish eruption upon the crown or the fore- head when he examines the scurf on the skin of the body, the man is diseased,—-he is unc1ean—·—the priest shall declare him unclean by a disease of the head; but the attack is constitutional. His clothes shall be torn, and his head shall be un· covered, and he shall not curl his beard ;· but shall cry Unclean, Un- cleanl all the time he is suifering it, he is unclean. He must be isolated, outside the camp-; must be made to remain outside. 1`he clothing, also, that may be upon him is infected by the disease ; whether woollen clothing, or cotton clothing; whether warped and wefted with wool or cotton, or of skin, or of any preparation of skin; and if there is a greenish or reddishstain, on the clothing, or skin, whether of warp or weft; or any article of skin is marked by the discharge, it shall be examined by the priest. The priest who ex> amines the patient shall then isolate the sufferer for seven days; but shall re·examine the atient on the -seventh tgday, when if e infection has- dis- charged upon the clothing, whether in warp or weft, or on the skin of any article made of skin for use, it is an attack of itch.! It is unclean. Conse- quently he shall burn that clothing whether warped and weft, whether of wool or cotton, or of any article of skin, in which the infection may be, for it is infected with itch ;——-it must be burnt in tire. But if when the priest examines it, he observes that the infection has not spread in the fabric of warp and weft, orin the leather or any article of leather, then the priest shall order them to wash whatever has the infection upon it, and isolate them for a second seven days. But the priest shall examine the infected articles after the washing, and if he observes that the infection has not disappeared from sight, and the stain has not gone, it is unclean. They shall consume it in fire. It is corroded by vermin or microbes. ‘But even if when the priest ex-
amines, and observes a mitigation of the attack, after the washing of it, yet there is a wearing away from the garment, or from the skin, or from the warp, or from the weft, and he perceives that the garment of warp and weft, or any article of leather, is still fretted, they shall burn in fire everything in which the infection remains. But the clothing of warp and weft, or any article of leather which has been washed- and the infec- tion has departed from them, shall be washed a second time, and be clean. ‘ These are the laws respecting in-
fection in clothing of wool or cotton, of warp and weft, or any article of skin, as to cleanness or uncleanness. 53 55 57 59 Sanitarg infn; fur Gnttlmlzscrnlx. The iEvan·:.1v1NG also spoke to 14 Moses, saying: ‘ These are the laws about sufferers
from infectious diseases at the time they arecured and submitted to the priest. ‘ The priest shall go to the outside
of the camp, and the priest shall examine, and look at the patient recovered from infection. Thenithe priest shall- prepare, and take for purification two clean living birds, and cedar wood, and scarlet wool, and hysop;-—and the priest shall prepare and slay the first bird into a vessel full of living water, then take the living bird to him, andthe with irritation an attack! Y 1__ ins