43 ing of teeth. Then the righteous 44 45 47 shall shine out like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Let all listen who have ears to hear! Slhxstraiinuz uf ibn Zlingbum. ‘ Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is
comparable to e buried treasure in a field, which, if a man finds, he covers up; and in his delight he goes and sells whateverihe possesses to enable him to buy that Held. ' Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is
like a merchant on the look—out for valuable pearls ; who, having found a particular one of very great value, goes and disposes of all the others he has, and buys it. ‘Agaiu, the Kingdom of Heaven
is like a ·drag-net, which has been spread out in the sea, and collects all kinds. Then, when full, they draw it up on the beach; and sitting down they select the good into baskets, and cast the bad away. Thus it will be at the completion of the period. The angels will pick out and carry away the wicked from the midst of the righteous, and throw them into the furnace of fire. There will be weep— ing aud gnashing of teeth. under· stand all this? was their reply. He further
every teacher who has been trained into the Kingdom of Heaven is like one whois the master of a house, who brings out from his stores what is new as well as what is Elie §r¤pl3zi hilljmtt @mwur. $3 55 57 Now when jesus had finished these
parables, He removed from there. And coming into His own country, He taught them in their synagogue; and so greatly astonished were they, Where has this Man acquired this knowledge and power? Is He not the son of that carpenter? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers,. james, joseph, Simon, and judah? And His sisters, are they not all here with us? Where then did And they were embarrassed concerning Him. A
prophet is not without honour, except in his own country and in his own And He did not display $8 much power there, because of their unbelief. @52 £1trh2r nf §¤l3¤ the §apti;rr. About this time Herod the tetrarch 14 heard the report concerning jesus, 'l`his 2 is john the Baptizer; he must have risen from the dead, and therefore For 3 Herod had arrested john, put him in chains, and sent him to prison, on account of Herodia, the wife of his own brother Philip; because john It is not legal for you And although wishing to murder him, he was afraid of the people, because all honoured him asa prophet. At Herod’s birthday feast, however, the daughter of Herodia danced before the guests, and delighted Herod. He thereupon promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask. And she, having been previously instigated by Give me here upon a dish the head of john the Baptizer! The king was horrified; but because of his oaths, and those who reclined with him, he ordered it to be given to her; And sending,·he beheaded john in the prison. And his head was brought upon a dish, and handed to the girl; and she carried it to her mother! His disciples then came forward,
took the body, and buried it; and went to report it to jesus. @132 Szzhing nf 3ihz Whunsanh. And jesus hearing it, went away
privately in a boat to a. desert place ; but the people having become aware of it, they followed Him by land. from the towns. When jesus came out, He saw a great crowd, and pitied them ; and restored the sick to health. But when the evening came, His dis- This place is a desert, and the hour now late; dismiss the crowd, so that, going into the villages, they may buy food for themselves} ‘They have no need to go a.way,'
give them victuals yourselvesf they
except five loaves and two fishes} He said.
And He ordered the crowd to recliue 1064 I0 XI 12 I4 16 18