Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1065

The New Testament

14-20 MATTHEW 16--20 upon the grassy places. And taking the hvc loaves and the two fishes, looking up to heaven, He blessed; and then breaking, Ho distributed the loaves to His disciples, and the dis-

20 ciples among the crowd. And they all 21 22 26 28 33 34 35 partook amd were satisfied ; and of the broken pieces remaining, they picked up twelve ful} bags Now those who had eaten numbered about Hve th0u· sand, besides women and children. He then immediately instructed His

disciples to embark in the boat, and to precede Him to the other side, until He could dismiss the crowd. When He had sent the crowd away, He went up the hill privately, to pray. And during the evening He was there alone; while the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them. But about three o'clock in the morning He came towards them, walking upon the sea. And His disciples, seeing Him walking upon the water, were terrified, and called out for fear. jesus, however, Take courage! I live; be not afraid. Master, if You live, order me to come to You said He. Peter accordingly got out of the boat, and walked upon the water towards jesus. But seeing the strength ofthe wind, he became afraid; and begin- Master, jesus at once holding out His hand,

Faint heart! why did you hesitate ?’ And when they had entered the vessel, i I-Ie lulledthe wind. Then those in the vessel coming to Him, paid homage, You most assuredly are a Son of God I ’ And having crossed, they arrived

in the land of Gennesaret. And the people of that place recognising Him, -sent round the whole of the neighbour- l1ood,and brought to Him all those who suffered from sickness; and begged that they might only be allowed to touch the hem of His cloak. And as many as touched Him were restored tohealth. Write mth ialzz Kzligimr. 15 Professors , and Pharisees from erusalem then approached }esus,

Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of theelders? for they do not wash their hands when they eat bread. asked jesus, in reply to

do you transgress the com- mand of God by means of your own tradition ? for. God commanded, HoNoUR Yoon FATHER AND Yoon Mornani; and, an who naorncrs FATHER on Mornmz, Lx'! His mm an r>aA·ru.° But you say, 'If any one should say to his father or mother, What I might assist you with is con- secrated to God; then he need not assist his father or mother' : and thus you set aside the command of God by your tradition. You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you when he said, Tms PEOPLE c0ME NEAR T0 ME wrrxi THEIR Moorn, AND Honoon ME wrrni rama LIPS; BUT ‘rHEm HEARTS RUN AWAY snow Ma. S0 IN vA1N D0 THEY PAY ME HOMALE, ’l`EAcH1No Fon oocrnznzs THE ¤ Then having called the crowd to

Him, He addressed them, saying, Listen and understand l What goes into the mouth does not corrupt the man; but what comes out of his mouth does corrupt him. His disciples, however, approaching

Do you not see that the Pharisees were shocked when they heard Your assertion Every plant that

has not been planted by My heavenly Father shall be uprooted. Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind: but when the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a ditch. Peter then making answer, said to Explain this puzzle to us; Are you ignorant

even yet? Do you not know that everything going into the mouth pro- ceeds to the stomach, and is from there evacuated? But what come out from the mouth proceed from the heart, and corrupt the man. For there come from the heart wicked thoughts, murders, adulteries, forni- cations, thefts, perjuries, blasphemies. These are what corrupt the man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not corrupt the man. Exod. xx. sz. ’ Exod. xxi. :7.

U Iss. xxlx. :3.

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