Heaven may be compared to a par- ticular king, who decided to settle accounts with his officials. And on his beginning to balance, one was brought to him who was indebted to the extent of ten thousand tal- ents} And as he possessed nothing with which to refund it, his master ordered him to be sold, along with his wife and children, and everything he had, so that a liquidation might be effected. The omcial therefore falling down, implored him, saying, ‘Master, be patient with me, and I will repay you all} The master of that omcial then took pity upon him, released him, and overlooked the debt. That selfsame official, how- ever, on going out, met one of his fellow-ofiicials, who owed him five pounds, and he seized him by the throat, exclaiming, ‘Pay me all you
29 owe i' Therefore hiscompaniomfall- ing at his fect, implored him, saying, 33 35 ‘ Wait a little while, and I will repay you.’ He would not, however; but sent the debtor to prison, until he should repay the amount due. Then his fellow-officials, seeing what had taken place, were greatly grieved ; and going to their master, they related the whole of the particulars. Then the master, calling him forward, said to him, ‘You contemptible scoundrell I remitted to you the whole of that debt, when you asked me; would it not have been little enough for you to have pitied yourfellow-ofiicial ? ’ His infuriated master accordingly handed him over to the jailors, until he should refund the whole of his debt. ‘In like manner, My Father, the
Heavenly One, will do to you, if you do not every one from your hearts pardon your brothers! marriage nuts Qilmrrz. 19 Then it occurred that when jesus had finished these discourses, He re- moved from Galilee, and went into the borders of judea, across the
2 jordan; and great crowds following About two million pounds. Him, He cured them there. And the Pharisees came to put Him to the test; Is it legal for a man to divorce his wife for any fault? ’ Have
you not read that the One Whomade them, made them from the beginning male and female, and said, Fon 'rms REAsoN A MAN s1»1ALL LEAVE ms FATHER AND Momma, AND SHALL cL1NG To Hrs w1FE, AND 1*HEY Two SHALL Become As 0NE PERs0N?1 They are therefore no longer two, but a single body. What then God has united, let it not be separated by man! did
Moses order the giving of a decree of divorce and separation ? ’ He answered them,
'having regard to the grossness of your natures, allowed you to divorce your wives; but it was not so from the beginning. I therefore tell you that if any one dismisses his wife, unless for fornication, and marries another, he commits adultery} His own disciples then remarked,
‘lf this is the condition ofthe hus· band and wife, marriage would not be bearable! Proceeding, however, He told them :
‘All cannot accept this doctrine; indeed none but those to whom it is granted. Still there are single-beders who were born so from their mothers; and there are single-beders who have been made so by men; while there are others who keep themselves single for the Kingdom of Heaven‘s sake. The one who can avail himself of it, let him do so.’ Wzlruming the Myilhrcxr. Then children were brought to Him,
in order that He might lay His hands upon them and pray ; but the disciples forbade them. jesus, however, said, Allow the little ones, and do not
prevent their coming to Me; for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven} And having laid‘His hands upon them, He went away. din: llirh Quang £eu. Now, it happened that one _ ap· IO
marries the divorced woman commits adul- because it is only a comment of an ancient transcriber, as proved by the oldest MSS. of the Gosel. See Bishcp Westcott piand Hort's Greek cstamcnt.-·-·F. . 1069