‘have you asked Me about benefi- cence ?—be¤efice¤ce is sin le I There is but One alone Whois ieneficent. But if you would enter into life, keep the commands. he asked. jesus replied, D0 NOT MURDER;
D0 Nor commu AUULIERY; D0 No': STEAL ;_ D0 Nor c0MMu‘ PER- JURY; HONOUR YOUR FATHER AND MGIHER; and, Lovn YOUR NE1<;H· BOUR As YOUR 0wN SELF. said the young man in
I have observed from my childhood: what more do I need? ’ Jesus
go away, sell all your possessions, and hand over to the poor,and you will secure a treasure in heaven; and then become a fol- lower of Mine l 22 Having heard that advice, however, th deartedreatl e younfg man p, gy grieved; or he was the owner of vast possessions. Wye Qarrizr nf Wealth. 23 Then jesus said to His disciples, I tell you indeed, that the wealthy
will enter intothe Kingdom of Heaven
24 with dimcultyi I can tell you more: it is easier for a camel to pass through a narrow doorway, than for a wealthy gian tc; gaig admittance to the King- 25 When the disciples heard this, they were profoundly astonish sd, exclaim- Who then can be saved ?’ 26 jesus, however, fixing His eyes upon By human power this is impo§ible ; but by Divine power all xs possi e. remarked Peter, in reply, ‘ we have left all, and followed You ; what then will be for us? ' I tell you indeed,” said jesus to that you who followed Me, in the new birth when the Son of Man will sit upon the throne of His majesty, shall then sit upon twelve thrones, reigningover the twelve tribes of Israel. And all who forsake houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, on account of My Name, will receive a hundred times more; and shall in- herit everlastinglife. But many of the first will be last, and the last first. Exod. xx. 12-17.
day ?’ ‘ Because no one has hired us,’ was their reply. He said to them. ‘ Then you also go into the vineyard: When the evening arrived, the
owner of the vineyard said to his manager, ‘Call the workmen, and pay them their wages, beginning from the last, onward to the first} And those engaged about live o’clock re- ceived each one a denarius. Then wh·en the earliest hired hands came up, they concluded that they would receive more; but they only received each one a denarius. But on taking it, they grumbled against their em- ployer, exclaiming, ‘ Why, these last comers have only worked one hour; yet you have made them equal to us, who haveborne the weight of the day, and the scorching heat! ‘ My good fellow,’ he answered
one of them, 'I do not wrong you; did you not bargain with me for a denarius? Take your wages, and go. I intend to give this last comer the same as yourself. Am I not allowed to do what I like with my own? or, is your eye malicious, because I am good—natured ? ’ In the same way, the last may be first, and the first last. ®ning in Qzrnsalzm. Then, jesus, going up towardsjeru·
salem, took the twelve disciples pri- vately aside on the way, and said to We are now going up to erusalem : and the Son of Man will e betrayed to the chief priests and
professors,‘wh0 will condemn Him to death, and deliver Him over to the heathen to be insulted, and dogged, Denarlus, equivalent to about as. 6d. 1070 I0