fessors and Pharisees! because you wash the outside of the cup and the plate, but fill the inside with extor- tion and injustice. Blind Pharisee! cleanse first the inside of the cup and the plate, so that their outside may also become clean. ‘ Woe to you, shamming professors
and Pharisees! you are just like white- washed tombs-pretty enough out- side, but inside full of dead men’s bones and every kind of corruption. S0 you too outwardly appear to men to be religious; but inwardly you are crammed with false pretence, and every form of lawlessness. 37 39 ‘ Woe to you, professors and
Pharisees, you hypocrites! because you erect monuments to the prophets ; decorate the tombs of the martyrs; and say, ‘ If we had lived in the days of our forefathers, we would not have aided them in shedding the blood of the prophets} Thus, then, you give evidence against yourselves that you are the sons of the murderers of the prophets ! Fill up, then, the measures of your fathers! Serpents! spawn of vipers! how can you escape the_ fury of hell ? ‘ Lo, I will therefore send you pro-
phets, and thinkers, and scholars: and some of them you will murder and crucify ;. while others you will dog in your synagogues, and drive from town to town, in such a way that all the righteous blood shed upon the earth·—from the blood of the just Abel, down to the blood of Zachariah, son of Barachialnwhom you assassinated between the entrance of the temple and the altar—may rest upon you. Indeed, I tell you, that all these shall come upon the present generation. ‘ jerusalem! jerusalem! who mas-
sacred the prophets, and stoned those sent to her! how often would I have gathered your children together, like the bird that collects her nestlings under her wings, and you would not l Now see your house left to yourselves. Yes, I tell you that after this you shall not see Me again until you say, Brass Hm WH0 cones m ran 1 NAME or run Lo1z1>! ¤ Psa. cxviii. 26. fate uf jerusalem Icrztnlk. Then jesus, leaving the temple, 24 was proceeding on His way, when His disciples came up to point out the buildings of the temple. jesus then Do you not see all these? I tell you indeed, that a stone will not here be left upon a stone, otherwise than in ruins. Afterwards, when He was resting
upon the Mount of Olives, His dis- ciples approached Him privately, ask- Tell us when this will be; and what is the signal of Your presence, and the completion of this age. said jesus. in reply
that none may deceive you. For many will come in My Name, as- serting, ‘ I am the Messiah’; and will lead many astray. Then you will hear of wars and rumours of wars: attend and fear not; for all must come-··but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines and plagues, and frequent earthquakes. All these, however, only begin the agonies. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation, and will murder you; and you will be hated by all the heathen through My Name. And then many will abandon it; and will betray one another, and hate one another. And many false prophets will make their appearance, and multi- tudes will be misled. And through the abounding lawlessness, sympathy for the many will be chilled. But whoever holds out to the end will be saved. The good news of the King- dom, however, shall be proclaimed throughout the whole Empire, as a witness to all nations; and then the end will come. ‘ When, therefore, you shall see
the desolating beast, foretold through the prophet Daniel, take up his posi- tion on holy ground I--let the reader comprehend-—-then let those in Judea liy to the hills; and he who is upon his balcony not descend to take any- thing from his house; and the man I0 II I2 16 18 in the field not turn back to take up his cloak. But alas for those with child, xg and those who nurse in those days! Pray, however, that your flight may so not come during the winter, nor upon a Rest·day; for there shall then be 21 widespread affliction, such as has not Dan. lx. 27; xii. xx. 1075