He had silenced the Sadducees, they collected at once. And one from among them, a lawyer, in order to test Him, asked Him the question, ‘Teacher, which commandment of the law is most important? Lovz THE
Loan YOUR Gon w1·rH ALL Yoon HEART, AND w11‘H ALL YOUR s0UL, AND WITH ALL YOUR INTELLEQT. That command is first, and most important. But the second is equal to it: Lovx YOUR Nmcnsoux As YOURsELF.$ In these two commands are comprised the whole law and the prophets. Ely: ¥l;¤rizzz¤ in a giirunxm. Now while the Pharisees were as-
sembled, jesus questioned them, say- What do you think about the Messiah? Whose Son is He? ’ was their reply; could
David, under the influence of the Spirit, call Him Lord, saying, Tim LORD sA1D ro MY Loan, Bn snA:rm> Ar My moi-xr HAND, UNTIL I MAKE YOUR mNEMxEs A $1*001. FOR YOUR FEET. If therefore, David calls Him Lord, how can He be his son? And none were able to answer Him
a word; neither dare any one from that time debate further with Him. Gly: wyuriszzs aah the 3ziuisb £.aiimz. @
have usurped the place of Moses. All, therefore, that they tell you to ob- serve, observe and do: but do not imitate their doings; for they do not practise what they preach. On the contrary, they pack up heavy and un- endurable loads upon men’s shoul- ders; but they take care not to touch them with their own fingers. All their actions are done merely for the sake of being seen by men: they widen I Exod. lll. :6. ’ Deut. vi. 5. Lev. xix. 18. * Psalm cx. x. their phylacteries, and extend the Hinges of their cloaks; they delight to secure the places of honour at banquets, the principal seats in the synagogues, the salutations in the markets; and to be addressed by men as ‘ My lord, my lord} You, however, must not be called ‘Teacher’; be· cause I alone am your Teacher, and you are all brothers! And upon earth call none your father; for One is your Father, He Who is in heaven. Neither select leaders ; for One is your Leader, the Messiah. But the greatest among you shall become an attendant : and whoever sets himself up shall be brought low; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted. ‘ Woe to you, play·acting professors
and Pharisees! because you lock up the Kingdom of Heaven in the face of mankind; while you yourselves neither enter, nor allow those arriving to go in. ‘ Alas for you, play·acting professors
and Pharisees! because you devour the property of the widows by the pretence of long prayers; for which you will receive a heavier punishment. Woe to you, play·acting professors and Pharisees! who scour the sea and the desert in order to secure one convert} and, finding one, you make him a son of the Pit twice as much as your- selves! Woe to you, blind guides! who
say, ‘ If one swears by the temple, it is nothing; but if a man swears by the gold in the temple, that oath must be kept ’ l Fools and blind! which is the
greater ?-ethe gold, or the temple which sauctines the gold? ‘ You say, ‘ If one swears by the
altar, it is nothing; but if a man swears by the gift upon it, that oath must be kept ’ l ‘ Fools and blind l which is greater? the gift, or the altar that sanctiiies the gift? A man, however, who swears by
the altar, swears by all that is upon it. And whoever swears by the temple, swears by the One Who inhabits it. And whoever swears by the heaven, swears by the throne of God, and the One Who sits upon it. Woe to you, canting professors
and Pharisees! because you pay tithes on mint, dill, and cummin, ignoring the more important statutes of the law- humanity, sympathy, faith; IO'74 IO II I2 16 18 20 21 22