Matthew - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1081

The New Testament


27-45 27--49

single word by way of_ defence; so that the Governor was very much surprised. 15 At festival-time, it was customary for the Governor to liberate one prisoner tor the people, whomsoever

16 they desired. And they had then 2. notorious prisoner, named Baxabbas.

ry Pilate addressing them, therefore, 18 20 2I 22 26 Whom do you wish me to discharge? Barabbos, or jesus, For he saw clearly that it was merely on account of malice that they had de- livered Him. And while he was sitting in the court of justice, his own wife Have nothing to do with this iust Man ; for I have endured much in a dream this The chief priests and elders, however, incited the mob to demand Barabbas, and execute jesus. But the Governor, Which of the two shall I set free for you ?' was their reply. shall

I do with jesus, Whom they call the Messiah P' was their unanimous reply. what crime has He committed In reply, they yelled out more

Let Him be crucified l ’ Pilate then seeing that he gained

nothing by it, but, on the contrary, that the riot increased, took water, and washed his hands in the presence of the mob, saying, ‘* See, I am innocent of the blood of this just Man ; look to it yourselves l' Then in reply to him, the whole

Let His blood be upon us, and upon our children? He then discharged Barabbas for

them; and after flogging jesus-, he delivered Him over to be crucified. jtlnrkch hg the Sulhizrz. The Governor’s soldiers then taking

jesus into the Praetorium, mustered all 28 the troops. And dressing Him up, they robed Him in ascarlet cloak; and platting a crown of thorns, they placed it upon His head,,and put a cane in His right hand. ’1`hen kneel- ing before Him, they shouted out in Long live the King of-the They also spat upon Him; and taking the cane, they struck Him with it upon the head. Then when they had scornecl Him, they took the cloak from off Him, and clothed Him in His own garments, and led Him away to be crucified. Wl): Qrnrihxintt nf Qrsus. When they were going out, they

met a Cyreuian, Simon by name; whom they forced into their service, in order that he might carry His cross. On arriving at a place known by the name of Golgotha, which means Skullfield, they offered Him sour wine to drink, mixed with gall; but tasting it, He would not drink. Then, hav- ing crucihed Him, they cast lots for the division of His garments among themselves. And sitting down they kept guard over Him there. And over His head they placed His

written indictment, thus: ’1`1~11s is jesus, rue Kmo or run jnneaws. They also crucified two robbers

along with Him, placing one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 'l` he passers—by also insulted Him,

wagging their heads, and calling out, ‘ You dernolisher of the temple, and rebuilder of it in three days, now save Yourself, if You can! If You are a son of a god, come down from the In the same way, the chief priests, with the professors and elders, He saved others; He cannot save Himself l If He is the King of Israel, let Him come down from the cross, and we will believe in Him! He trusted upon God, let Him now rescue Him, if He wants Him; for He asserted, *1 am And even the rob— bers who were crucified along with Him reproached Him in the same wa . x 'lhen from mid·day until three

o’clock in the afternoon darkness spread over all the land; and about three o’clock jesus called out with a Eloi, eloi, O My God l` My God! to what have You for- And some of the by- standers, on hearing that, remarked, ‘ He seems to call for Elijah.'·' And at once one from among them ran, and taking a sponge, Hlled it with sour wine ; and placing it upon a cane, 33 34 35 37 39 43 44 45 47

gave Him a drink. But the others 4g Let Him alone! Let us 1081

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1081

The History of the People of Israel