the attendant in the presence of God; and He has sent me to talk with you, and to tell you this good news. You shall be silent, however, and unable to speak, until the time when these events take place ; because you have disbelieved my mes- sage, which will be accomplished in The people, however, were expect-
ing Zacharias, and wondered at his delaying in the sanctuary. But when he came out, he was unable to speak to them; and they recognised that he had seen a vision in the sanc- tuary; and he was himself making signs to them, but he remained dumb. Accordingly, when the term of his course in residence was completed, he returned to his own house. And after that time, Elizabeth, his
wife, conceived; and she kept herself for five months in retirement, remark- The Lord has done this to me at the time He looked upon me, to take away my reproach among man- Nhz jdzszialy ktxtunnczh. Now, six months later, the mes-
senger Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a maiden, betrothed to a. husband named joseph, a descendant of David ; and Mary was the name of the maiden. And the messenger, on entering, Good health to you l much honour attends you; the Lord is with you l ’ But she was thrown into confusion
about his message, and reflected what that address might mean. The messenger, however, said to
Fear not, Mary! for you have received a gift from God. And listen : you shall conceive, and give birth to a Son; and you shall give Him the be greatly distinguished, and shall be called ‘Son of the Highest} And the Lord God shall give to Him the throne of His father David; and He 33 shall reign over the house of jacob throughout the ages: and His reign shall never end.' Mary asked
seeing that I know not a husband} In reply to her, the angel said,
‘Holy Spirit shall shine upon you, and power from above shall over- shadow you; and therefore the holy result shall be called ‘ Son of God} Your kinswoman Elizabeth has her- self also conceived a son in her old age ; and this is the sixth month with her, who was considered childless: because no event is impossible with ‘I am the servant of the Lordl’
according to your ' And the angel left her. WI]: Snug ui Gligahzily. Then Mary, about that time, arose,
and hastened into the highlands, to a town of judea ;‘ and entering the house of Zacharias, she congratulated Elizabeth. And it happened that 34 35 37 when Elizabeth heard the address of Mary, the child felt alive within her; and Elizabeth was filled with Holy Spirit, and she chanted with a loud 42 voice, saying: ‘ You are the happiest among women, And happy is that which you nourish within you l And why is this honour to me, That the mother of my Lord should visit me? For lo, as the sound of your salu- tation reached my ears, The child, in exultation, leapt with- in me. And happy is she in her trustful- ness; Because the declarations of the Lord to her shall be accom- plished l’ Ely: Nagitihrat. And Mary said: ‘ My soul magnities the Lord, And my spirit exults in God my Saviour. For He has looked upon the humility name of Jesus. He shall Himself I of His servant; N 2 rio5 43 45 47