about three months, and then returned to her own home. @32 ‘§iril; uf §¤Im. When E1izabeth’s full time had
expired, she gave birth to a son. And her neighbours and relatives, learning that the Lord had increased His mercy towards her, congratulated her. Now, as customary, on the eighth
day, when they came to circumcise the child, they desired to name him Zacharias, after his father; but his It shall not be so; his name shall be }ohnl not one of
your relatives is known by that They accordingly made signs to his
father what he desired the name to be. And having asked for a writing- tablet, he wrote upon it the reply, And they were all surprised. His mouth was then immediately opened; and regaining the use of his tongue, he began to speak, thanking God. And fear came over all their neigh-
bours; and these events were dis- cussed in all the highlands of judea. And all the hearers treasured them in Whatever for indeed the hand of the Lord was with him. Znrlmriaa §gm¤ uf §1·aisz. Zacharias his father was then filled 67 with the Holy Spirit, and spoke, saying: ‘Let the Lord, the God of Israel, 68 be blest! Because He has regarded and freed His people; And has raised up for us the horn 6g of deliverance In the house of David His son As He declared through the mouth 70 of His holy prophets for ages, Deliverance from our foes, and from the hand of all who hate us ; To show `mercy, as toward our fore- fathers; And to remember His holy covenant, Which He sealed by oath to our forefather, Abraham: To grant us, fearless, freed from our enemies’ hand, To serve Him in beneficence and goodness, Before His presence all our days. Yes-, you, child, shall be chosen a prophet of the Highest: You shall go before the presence of the Lord, To make His pathway ready; By instructing His people in the way of salvation, With the pardon of their sins, Through the tender mercies of our God; In which He will show us a day- break from heaven, To light those crouching in darkness and the shadow of death, To direct our feet in the path of The boy then grew, and was
strengthened in spirit; and he re— 7 3 74 75 77 79 8o maimed in the deserts until the day of his appointment before Israel. Wha @irily nf 32mm. It so happened, that at that time 2 an order was issued by Cmsar Augus· tus that a census should be taken of the whole empire. This iirst census was completed when Quirinus was governor of Syria. And all went to be enumerated, each to his own town. joseph accordingly went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to judea, to the town of David,known as Bethlehem (because by descent he belonged to the house of David), to enrol himself along with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was now pregnant. ttoé ______*____, \