in accordance with the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, _to their own town of Nazareth; where the Child grew, and was strengthened in spirit, being filled with wisdom, and the favour of God rested upon Him. my: @¤si while. His parents, however, went yearly
to jerusalem to the festival of the Passover. And when He was twelve years old, they went to jerusalem, as was customary, to the festival, And the time being completed, as they were returning, the Child jesus stayed be- hind in jerusalem. His parents, how-
44 ever, did not know it; but thinking that He was in the party, they pro- ceeded a day's journey, and searched for Him among their relatives and
45 friends. But failing to find Him, they returned to jerusalem, searching for
46 Him. And it transpired that, after three days, they discovered Him inthe temple, sitting among the teachers, both listening to and questioning
47 them. Andail who heard Him were astonished at His intelligence and
48 His answers. And when they saw Him, they were surprised; and His mother said to Him, ‘ Why, my Child, have You treated
us in this way? Your father and I have been searching for You with aching hearts.’ Why then did you search for do you not know thatl must be employed in My 50 They could not understand, how- ever, the fact which He told them.
51 Yet He returned with them, and came to Nazareth, and vas obedient to them; but I-lis mother reflected on all
52 these events in her heart. jesus also advanced in wisdom and age, as well as in favour in the presence of God and men. mis mission nf §¤lm tbz Qsptigar. 3 Now in the Gfteenth year of the government of Tiberius Caesar Pontius Pilate being chief governor of judea, and Herod governor of Galilee, and his brother Philip governor of
the territories of Iturzea and Trach- onitis, and Lysanias governor ot Abilene, during the High-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas—·-the message of God came to john, the son of Zacharias, while in the desert. And he went about the whole country of the jordan, proclaiming a baptism of conversion for forgiveness of sins; as it is recorded in the book of the sayings of Isaiah the prophet: A voxcx sH0¤‘r1NG m THB 1>EsER‘r, Pxnrann THR HIGHWAY Fox THB Loma, Maxx His Pathways sMoo·rH. LET EVERY VALLEY BE FILLED UP, AND EVERY MOUN’rAxN AND HILL CUT DOWN, AND THE 01200KnD 1>A‘rHs MADE srxaicut, AND THE ROUGH GROUNDS sMoo*rH: _ THAT ALL PERSONS MAY SEE THE sALvA’riON OF GOD. Addressing the crowd which had
come out to be baptized by him, he Spawn of vipersl who has warned you to fly from the coming fury? Produce at once, then, fruit befitting conversion; and do not begin to say within yourselves, ‘ We possess as our forefather, Abraham ’; for I tell you that God is able from among these stones to raise up children for Abraham. But already the axe lies at the root of the trees; every tree therefore not producing good fruit will beofelled, and thrown into the fire} ®nquiriz¤ nf the ®r¤1¤ir. asked the crowd. Whoever
possesses two coats, let him give one to the man who has none; and let him who has food do likewise. 'l`ax—farmers also came to be bap-
What, teacher, must we do? ’ ‘ N ever extort more than is legally he replied. And the soldiers on the march also
And we, what shall we do P ’ Extort from no
one money by threats or false ac- cusations; but be content with your payxl 3 Isaiah xl. 3-5. xio8 I0 Il I2