Luke - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1109

The New Testament

4--18 LUKE. 16 18 20 21


Mya Qzal Qspiigzr. When the people were hesitating,

and all of them debating in themselves about john, whether or not he might be the Messiah, john addressed them, I certainly bap· tize you with water; but One stronger than myself will come, One whose shoelace I am not even great enough to untie; I-Ie will Himself baptize you with Holy Spirit and fire. His win- nower is in His hand, to perfectly cleanse His threshing-floor: and He will store up the wheatin His granaiy; but the chaff He will burn with in- extinguishable fire} And with many other exhortations

he evangelized the people. But Herod, the governor, having been repri— manded by him about Herodia, the wife of his brother, and of all the wickedness of which Herod had been guilty, heaped this upon the whole, and had john confined in prison. W12 Qapiizm nf genus. It, however, occurred, when all the

people were being baptized, jesus having also been baptized,and praying,

22,the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit, in bodily appearance like a dove, descended upon Him, and a voice came out of heaven proclaiming, ‘You are My Son, My Beloved! in 1 You I have delightl myc Ezmpiatimt in ily: @z¤zri. 4 And jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, went away from the jordan, and was carried by the Spirit into the desert,

2 to be tried under the Devil for forty days. And He ate nothing during that time ; but on their completion He at last was hungry. If You are a Son of God, command this stone, so that it may become a loaf}

4 In reply to him, however, jesus said, Ir is wairrnn, MAN snam, I N0’rm.-I remove the Genealogy, vvs. 23 38, and place it at the end of this Gospel for the following reason:——1t is quite irrecon- cilable with the one of joseph given by St. Matthew, which is capable of verihcation from the records of the Old Testament, while this interpolated one in St. Luke’s Gospel cannot be so. It also breaks the continuity of the Text, in a manner that so agcomplished a writer as that Evangelist would never have done. I am, therefore, perfectly satished that it is merely a note of some early editor, and never formed part of St. Luke’s Gospel.—·—F. F. Nor LIVE Upon Bnnan ALQNE, BUT BY EVERY DEQRBB 0F Gon. Then taking Him up a high

mountain, he pointed out to Him in a second of time all the surrounding kingdoms; and the Devil said to I will give you all this power, and the splendour of them; for it has been entrusted to me, and I can give it to whoever I will. If You, there- fore, will pay homage before me, they shall be Yours} jesus

for it is written, You SHALL KNEE:. To YOUR Loan GOD, AND ? woRs1—11P HIM ALONE. He then carried Him to jerusalem,

and placed Him upon the battlement If You are a Son of God, throw Yourself down from here ; for it is written, HE SHALL INSIRUCT Hts ANGELS coNcERN1NG YOU, saND THEY WILL PROTECT YOU; AND WILL HOLD YoU IN THEIR HANDS, FOR FEAR YOU SHOULD cRUsH 8 Yoon roor AeAiNs·r A s·roNn. jesus an-

swered him, You snAu.. Nor TRY THE LORD YOUR GOD. The Devil having then completed

every trial, departed from Him until another opportunity. Qprzarlying at £¤g¤1·zil;. jesus then returned to Galilee with

the power of the Spirit; and His reputation spread throughout the whole of the neighbourhood. And He taught in their synagogues

with the approval of all. He after- wards came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and, as His custom was, He entered the synagogue on the day of rest. And standing up to read, there was handed to Him the roll of the prophet Isaiah. And open- ing out the roll', He found the place where itwas written, A SPIRIT OF THE LORD is UPON Mn, BY wmcn HE mts A1>1>o1N·ren ME TO TELL GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR; HE HAS SENT ME TO HEAL THE BROKEN-HEARTED ; TO PROCLAIM FREEDOM T0 THE ENSLAVED , ¢ Deut. viii. 3. * Exod. xxxiv. 14. Psa. xsi. 1:, xx. * Deut. vi. 16. 'IIOQ IO


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Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1109

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