Luke - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1111

The New Testament

IO Xi X2 16 x8 LUKE. 5-36 Row out into the <iepth, and throw out your nets for a. haul. ‘ We have toiled all the night, Sir,

said Simon, but at Your request I will And, having done so, they enclosed a large shoal of fishes; and their nets were beginning to break: they therefore beckoued to their partners in the other boats to come and help them; and, having come, they filled both the boats, al- most to sinking. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell at

G0 from me, Master; for I am a sinful For astonishment had seized him, and all who were with him-—and james and john, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon—·at the draught of fishes they had taken. Do

not fear; from this time you will be a catcher of men! ’ Then having run their boats ashore, they left all, and followed Him. Qluring a Qzpzr. It once happened, when He was in

one of the towns, that a man, full of leprosy, seeing jesus, fell upon his face, and implored Him, saying : ‘ Master, if You will, You are able to And, extending His hand, He

I am willing; and the leprosy left him at once. Then He enjoined him to go, show yourself to the priest, and present for your cleansing what was ordered by Moses But the report concerning Him spread more widely; and large crowds ran together to listen, and to be relieved of their sufferings. But He Himself retired into the desert to pray. Oluring the §ara1giir. One of those days, while He was

teaching, it happened that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of several villages of Galilee and judea, as well as from jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was in Him to cure sickness; when some men came carrying a para- lysed man upon a rug, and they tried to get near, to place him before Him. But being unable to find a means of approaching Him, on account of the crowd, they mounted the verandah, and lowered him upon his rug through the skylight, into the midst, before jesus; Who, seeing their faith, said Man, your sins are forgiven But the professors and Pharisees

Who is this fellow that talks blasphemy? who is able to forgive sins, but God jesus, perceiving their reasonings,

Why do you debate in your hearts 2 Which is easier to say ?-·—‘ Your sins are removed from you’; or, ‘ Rise up, and walk!’ In order that you may know, however, that the Son of Man has authority to remove sins upon earth (He said to the paralytic), 'To you, I say, get up; take your rug, and go to And he im- mediately got up in their presence, lifted what he had been lying upon, and went to his home, praising God. And they were all overcome with ecstasy, and they praised God; and being filled with fear, they exclaimed, ‘ We have seen strange things to-day.’ $1 @zhi’¤ ilcrzptiun. After this, He went out and ob—

served a tax—farmer, named Levi, sitting at the custom~house; and said And leaving all, he got up and

followed Him. Then Levi prepared a large reception at his own house; and a great company of tax-farmers and others were reclining together with Him. But the professors grum— bled about them; andthe Pharisees Why does He eat and drink among these tax- farmers and sinners? ' The

healthy have no need of a physician, but the sick have! I have come not to call the righteous, but sinners to change their minds! ’ The dis·

ciples of john, and of the Pharisees, frequently fast and pray; but Yours ‘ Are the companions of the Bride~

groom to fast while the Bridegroom is asked jesus, in reply. ‘ The days will come, however, when the Bridegroom has been taken from them; in those days they can fast} 20 2 I 22 26 28 30 33 34


I-Ie also related a parable to them :, 36 ‘No one tears from a new piece to

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