Luke - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1117

The New Testament



49 53 54


Then the woman, seeing that she I had risen from the dead: by some 8 could notbeconcealed,came fonvard that Elijah had appeared; and by g1;embl_ing; axgd, falling down before others that one of the old prophets Him, declared in the presence of all the people the reason for which she had touched Him, and told how she had been immediately cured. said jesus to her,

{‘ take courage! your aith has saved you; go intpeacel ' While He was still speaking, a

messenger came to the chief of the Your daughter is dead ; do not trouble the '1`eacher.’ jesus, overbearing it, however, said

to him, -*‘ Do not fear! only believe, And, on arriving at the house, He allowed none to enter it with Him but Peter, john, and james, together with the father and mother of the girl; and all were mourning and lamenting her. Do not weep ;· she is But they laughed at Him in derision, con- vinced that she was dead. He then turned them all out; and, taking her ‘My

Her breath thereupon re- g rned, and she at once got up. And He gave orders for her to have some-

56 thing to eat. And her parents were in ecstasy. He, however, enjoined them to tell no one what had occurred. Ely: Nissinu of the Ehzlhz. 9 Afterwards, calling, the twelve to- gether, He endowed them with power and authority over all the demons, and to cure mental diseases. And sending them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and to restore the suffering, He said to them: I`ake nothing for your journey,

neither stick, nor purse, nor bread, nor money; nor yet provide two cloaks. And into whatever house you may enter, there stay until your de~ parture; and whoever will not receive you, depart from that town, and shake off the dust from your feet as a witness- against them. Then, taking their departure, they

went throughout the neighbouring villages evangelizing, and everywhere curing sickness. myc Alarm nf @¢r¤h. Herod the tetrarch also heard

of all that was done. And he be- came much perplexed, because it was said by some people that john I g have beheaded john; but who is this, about whom I hear such things?' And he endeavoured to see Him. Ely: 3zzhing sf $1:: Ulynnnnt. Upon their return, the apostles re-

ported to Him. what they had done; and taking them apart, He withdrew privately to a desert place near the town called Bethsaida. But the crowd, on learning it, followed Him: and He welcomed them, and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God; and those among them who required medical treatment He cured. Then when the day began to decline, the Dis· miss the crowd, in order that they may go into the surrounding villages and towns, and procure lodgings and food ; for we are here in a desert place. He said to them. ' We have nothing more than ive

they replied; ‘ unless, indeed, we should go and buy provisions for all these people. (For they numbered about Eve thou- sand men.) Make them recline in parties of

He instructed His disciples. They accordingly did so, making them all tobeseated. Taking then the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up towards heaven, He blessed and broke them, and handed to His disciples to distribute to the people. And they all partook, and were satisfied; and of the broken pieces that remained over, they col- lected twelve baskets full. Gly: Qzzlaratimt-of Qatar. It occurred once that as I-Ie was

praying in private, the disciples being Who do the crowd say that I am ?’ ]0hu the

Baptizer; others, Elijah; aud others that one ofthe old prophets has risen But whom do you declare Me to He then asked them. Peter replied. IO I I I2 16 18

He then enjoined, and ordered 21

them to tell that to no one; adding, 22 ‘ The Son of Man has much to en- Ill']

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1117

The History of the People of Israel