tion for you in the seventh month, in the tenth day of the month, that you may humble yourselves, and do no business, either the native, or the foreigner, living amongst you, for on that day there is an expiation made for you, to purify you from all your sins before the EvER—L1v1NG; you must be pure. It shall be to you a Rest of Rests, when you shall humble your lives: an Institution sfor ever. At that time the priest who has been consecrated, and who has been ap- pointed as priest in the place of his fathers, and has put on himself the sacred robes, shall thus expiate for the Holy of Holies, and the Hall of Assembly; and also expiate for the altar, and for the priests, and expiate for all the people of the congregation. And this shall, be a perpetual Institu- tion for you, to expiate for the whole of the children of Israel on account of all their sins, once every year} And it was done as the EVER- LIVING had instructed Moses. @132 §¤i¤ nf Mxrummxmicaiiun fur 17 $n¤uil;¤rigeh Sarrihciug. The Even-mvxue also spoke to Moses, commanding; ‘ Speak to Aaron and his sons,
with all the children of Israel, and say to them; ‘ This is the thingthat the Evnx-
Lwmo has commanded to be said; Any man of the house of Israel who slays a bullock, or sheep, or goat, at the altar; or who slays it outside the camp, or at the door of the Hall of Assembly, who comes not to offer a gift to the Evm<·L1v1No, before the dwelling of the EVER-LIVING; blood shall be imputed to that man; blood spilt ;———that man shall be ex- communicated from association with his People. So that, instead of the children of Israel going to their altars that- they have in the open fields, they must bring their oderings to the Evmz¢1.1v1N<; at the door of the Hall of Assembly, to the priest, that he may offer for them to the EvsR—Liv11~zo;—and the priest shall —· the Evmz-L1v11~:o·at the<ldorof the Hall of Assembly, and burn the fat with incense, as a delightful breath to the Evan-uvmo. ‘ For you shall never sacrifice your
sacrifices to demons that you whore after.-—'I`his is an everlasting com- mand to them, and their posterity. ‘ Say also to them; Any man of the
Houseof Israel, or of the foreigners who reside among them, who offers a burnt-offering or sacrifice, and does not cause it to be brought to the door of the Hall of Assembly to offer it to the Evan-uviue, that man shall be excommunicated from his people. And every person of the children of Israel, or of the foreigners who reside amongst them, who eats any blood, or places before Me what he has eaten with the lifeblood in it; I will cause him to be excommunicated from- association with the nation; for the life of the body is in its blood, and I have given it to you. for the altar, to expiate for your sins·;-—for the blood with its life expiates. Therefore I say to the children of Israel ;·——No person of you shall eat the blood ; and the foreigner that resides among you shall not eat blood. @aln fur ilixxntsmrn. Any person also from the children of Israel, or from the foreigners who reside among you, who hunts animal or bird, that heimay eat it, shall also pour out the blood and cover it with dust, because the life of all flesh is in its blood,. as its life. Therefore say to the children of Israel you shall not eat the life with the blood of any flesh; for the life of all flesh is in its blood. All eating of it, shall. be ex· communicated; And every person who eats of a dead carcase, or one torn, or mangled, or worried, shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, I0 II I2 and be unclean until the evening and then clean;-—but if he does not wash his body or bathe, he shall bear his sin} 09rhzr is aliauhcn §zatl;2xt ®ust¤ms. The Evn1z~L1v1i~zo’ also spoke to 18 Moses, commanding; Speak to the children of Israel 2 and say to them; I am your EVER- Livmo Gon. ‘ You shall not do as in the land of 3 sprinkle the blood upon the altar of I the Mitzcraim when you dwelt there. I I 2