relative of his body to uncover their sexuality; I am the Evmz-Lrvmc. the sexuality of your mother you sexuality. ‘You' shall not uncover the sexu-
ality of a wife of your father. I am the Evnx-Lxvmc. born out of it; you shall not uncover the sexuality of them. You shall not uncover the sexu-
ality of the daughter of your son, or the daughter of your daughter, for that is your own sexuality. You shall not uncover the sexu-
your father, born to your father. She is your sister. ‘You shall not uncover the sexu- is of your ·father’s blood. ality of the sister of your mother. She is of your mother’s blood. approach to her. _ uncover her sexuality. your brother’s wife. l` he sexuality of your father or
shall not uncover. She is your mother. You shall not uncover her l`he sexuality of your sister, a
daughter of your father or a daughter of your mother, born in the house, or ality of the daughters ofthe wives of ality of the sister of your father, she You shall not uncover the sexu-
‘You shall not uncover the sexu-
ality of the wife of the brother of your .father.Your love shall not ‘You shall not uncover the sexu-
ality of your daughter-in-law. She is the wife of your son. You shall not ‘ You shall not uncover the sexu-
ality of your brother's wife. She is ‘You shall not uncover the sexu-
ality of a woman and her daughter; the daughter of her sou; or the daughter of her daughter you shall not take to uncover their sexuality. Copulatiou with them is wickedness. sister, to grieve her by uncovering her sexuality, whilst she lives. You shall not approach to a
woman unclean by menstruation to uncover her sexuality. 'And to the wife of your neigh-
bour you shall not give your copula— tion for seed, to detile her. And you shall not give of your
seed to pass to Mololt; and thus deiile the name of your GOD. I am the EVER-L1v1NG. ‘And with a man you shall not
copulate, with the cogulation of a woman. It is abomina le. ‘And to any beast you shall not
give your copulation to defile it. And a woman shall not place herself to the face of a beast, to copulate. It is incest. 21 22 You shall not detile yourselves.
with any of these, for with all these the heathen defiled themselves, whom I shall drive out from before you; and they detlled the land. Therefore I punish the sin in it, upon them; and the land spews out its inhabitants. ‘Therefore you, yourselves, must
preserve My Institutions and Decrees, and not practise any of these abomi- nations; either you natives, or foreigners residing among you. · For the whole of these abominations the population of the land, whom I shall drive out from before you, practised, and they deliled the land; if you do so_ the land will spew you out for your dehling it, as it spewed out the heathen who were before you, for all that they did, with all these abomi- nations. Therefore the people who do them shall be cut off from the boundaries of your people. W12 §nius of mural Quit;. The Evnx-mvmo also spoke to Moses, commanding; ’Speak to all the chiefs of the
children of Israel, and say to them, Be holy; for I your Evan-uvmo Goo am Holy. Each of you reverence your
mother and father; and keep My Sabbaths; I am the Evan-mvmo Goo. You shall not turn to idols; and
you shall not make metal gods for yourselves. I am the Evn1z·1.1v1No your Gon. And when you offer a thank-offering, you shall offer it to your Evax·L1v_1No Srnnxorrr. You
‘And you shall not marry a wife‘s I shall eat it in the clay of sacrihce and