Yoon Gon WITH YoU1zw1»10L1: Imam, AND wrru vovn wH01.E som., AND wrru Yom: wx-1oLE STRENGIH, Asn wrrn Yoon wHoLx INTELLECT; Arm Yom: Nmcnhouu As Yotm own sm.!} He
do that, and you will live} Wishing however, to justify him-
Who is my 37 neighbour? ' There
was a man who, on going down from erusalem to gericho, fell among rob- ers, who bot stpped and assaulted
bzhim, and departe , leaving him half dead. ‘ By coincidence, a priest was going
down by that road; but seeing him, he passed by on the other side. And in the same way, a Levite also, when he got to the place, looked upon him, and passed along. But a certain Samaritan, on a. journey, who, on coming to where he was, and seeing him, took pity, came to him and dressed the wounds, making use of oil and wine. Then seating him upon his own beast, he conveyed him to an inn, and took care of him. And as he was leaving, on the following day, he threw down two denarii° for the landlord, and said, ‘Attend to him; and what- ever more you spend, I will repay you upon my return} ` Which, there- fore, of these three, do you think, proved a neighbour to him who fell among the robbers ?’ was his reply. Go you, and do the same} gtlnrtha mth Marg. Once when they were travelling,
He entered a village, where a woman Deut. vi. 4, 5; Lev. xix. 18.
'2 About live shillings value. named Martha received Him into her house And with her she had a sister named Mary, who, however, seated herself at the feet of jesus, lis- tening to Hisdiscourse. But Martha, distracted about the preparations for the table, entered hurriedly, exclaim- Does it not trouble You, Sir, that my sister leaves me to serve alone? Order her to come and help me} the Master
you are anxious and worried about many things; but one only is necessary. Mary, however, has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her} ijeln in Qran. Once when He was in a private
spot, praying, one of His disciples, Master, teach us to pray, as ]ohn also taught his disciples. When you Pl’¤Y» S8?. Ely: Earn'; $ragzr. ' Father Your Name must be being hallowed; ‘Your Kingdom must be being restored; ‘Give to us every day our to- morrow’s bread ; ‘ And remove from us our sins, for
we remove them from all who odend us; for You would not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from its Who
among you, if he had a friend, and, going to him at midnight, were to say, ‘ Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has just arrived from a journey, and I have nothing to place before him! Would he not reply to you from within ?—-‘ Do not disturb me: the door is now fastened, and my family, as well as myself, are in bed ; I cannot get up to give it to you.’ I tell you that although he will not get up to oblige him because of friendship, yet, at last, because of his persistence, he will get up and give him as much as he needs. And to you I also say, Ask, and it shall be given to you; search, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For every asker re- ceives; and every searcher finds; while to the one who knocks, it shall be opened, And is there a father among you, who, if his son asks I Su note on Matt. vl. xo. 1120 39 11 10 II