I will follow You, Master, wherever You may go} ‘ The foxes have holes/’ said jesus,
the birds of the sky have shelters : but the Son of Man has not even a place where He can lay Fol- ‘ Allow me first, Sir, to go and was his reply. Leave the dead to bury their own
but go you, and spread abroad the message of the Kingdom of God. remarked
but allow me first to arrange my affairs} No one,
having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is adapted for the Kingdom of God. mir mission uf il32 irbzxrlg. 10 After these events, the Lord also appointed others, seventy in number, and sent them by twos before His arrival into every town and place
2 which He intended to visit. And He said to them : ' The harvest is plentiful, but the
labourers are few; therefore pray to the Master ofthe harvest, that He may send harvesters to His harvest. Go forward; even although I send you like lambs among a pack of wolves. Carry no purse, however, nor bag, nor shoes; and address none upon the road. And into whatever house you enter, iirst say, ‘ Peace to this house. And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him ;‘ but if not, it will return to yourself. And con- tinue in that same house, eating and drinking what theypthemselves have;
wages. Do not change about from for the workman is entitled to his house to house. And if you enter any town, and they welcome you, eat just wizatever is placed before you. Cure the sick people that are in it ; and tell them, ‘ The Kingdom of Heaven is come near to you.’ But if it should happen that you enter a town, and they do not welcome you, then go out into its streets, and say, ‘ Even the dust of your town, which sticks to our feet, we brush it off . for you; know this, however, that the Kingdom of God has approached you} I tell you, that in that day it will be more en- durable for Sodom than for that town. ‘ Woe to you, Chorazin ! woe to
you, Bethsaida! because if the powers which were displayed in you had come to Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have changed their minds, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. It will be more endurable, however, for Tyre and Sidon in the ]udgment, than for you. And you, Capemaum,exalted high as the heavens, you will be cast down as low as the grave. Those who listen to you, listen to Me; and those reject- ing you, reject Me; and whoever re- jects Me, rejects My Sender.' When the seventy returned, they
Master, even the demons are being subjected to us through Your name} I was observ-
ing Satan falling from the heaven like a lightning flash. Now I have given you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the might of the enemy; and none can resist you. Do not exult, however, because the spirits are subject to you ; but rather be glad because your names have been recorded in the heavens} XO II I2 16 x8 20 3 mumztti nf Spiritual iiaptnrz. In that very hour jesus became en- zz raptured in the Holy Spirit, and ex- I give thanks to You, Father of heaven and earth, because You concealed these facts from in- tellectual philosophers, and have re- vealed them to children. Yes, Father; because it was right in Your presence. All was entrusted to Me by My Father: and none knows Who the Son is, except the Father; and Who the Father is, except the Son, and the one to whom it is the pleasure of the Son to reveal Him} Then turning toward His disciples,