Luke - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1133

The New Testament



perscuatcd themselves tc be good 2 1 22 26 28 33 35 men, so that they might eutmp Him by His speech; with the ebject of handing Him over to the magistracy, and to thejurisdiction ofthe Governor. They accordingly said sto Him, ‘Teacher, we know that You speak and teach rightly, and You are not bound by appearances; on the con- trary, You teach the way of God in truth: ‘ Is it legal for us to pay tribute to the Emperor, or not ?’ But perceiving their rascality, He

Show me a dena- rius.1 Whose portrait and motto was their reply. Casar’s

own property to Cesar; andto God what belongs to God. S0 they were not able to entrap

Him by His speech in the presence of the people; and wondering at His answer, they were silent. Qisrnmihzrz nf tbz Sahmtczzs. Afterwards some of the Sadducees,

who deny a resurrection, came to Teacher, Moses wrote for us, that if a brother of any one dies, leaving a wife who may be childless, the brother sur- viving shall marry the widow, and procure issue for his brother.? Now there were seven brothers, the first of whom, having taken a wife, died childless. The second married the widow, and also died childless; the third married her, as likewise did the others; all the seven dying without leaving issue. Last of all, the woman also died. In the resurrection, there- fore, to which of them will she belong? for she was married to all 1`he children of this age marry

said jesus, in reply but those considered worthy to attain to that period, and share the resurrection from the dead,

36 neither marry nor are given in mar- riage. For neither can they die again; because they are equal to the angels, 37 and are sons of God, being sons by means of the resurrection. But that the dead are raised, even Moses reminded you at the bush, as he named the Loma, the God of Abra- ham, the God of Isaac, and the God of ]acob.’ He is not, however, a God I Equivalent to about half~a-crown. Deut. xxv. 5. ’ Exod. lil. 6. of the dead, but of the living; for they are all living with Him. ‘ Teacher, You have answered ad-

exclaimed some ofthe pro· fessors. But none of them dared to question Him further. §ahiD's {nth. How is it

they say that the Messiah will be a Son of David? when David himself says in the Book of Psalms: THE Loan sam to MY Loan, Ba szsrxo Ar MY mont Ux~mx. I mam Yoon ensures A sroot. ron Yoon FEE!. David, therefore, calls Him Lord'; how then is He his son ?’ Warning against §gpnrrisg.

Then, when all the people were

listening, He said to His disciples: Guard yourselves hom the pro- fessors, who like to march out in Howing robes, court recognition in the marketplaces; secure the prin- cipal seats in the synagogues, and the places of distinction at banquets; who devour the families of widows, and for a disguise oder up long prayers. Such will receive the severest punishment. ®l;z `wihuws Qfzrittg. Looking round then, He saw the

wealthy people throwing their gifts into the treasury; and He also ob- served one poor widow throwing in I 39 43 45


tell you most certainly, that this poor widow has thrown in more than all. For all the others, out of their super· 4 iluity, have contributed to the gifts for God; but she, out of her poverty, has contributed all she had to live upon. dbz §zsir1n:timt cf the bzmplz 3¤ret¤1h. Now when some were speaking

about the temple, remarking how it was adorned with beautiful stones, and You see these upon which you are gazing: the days will come in which there will not be left one stone upon another, which has not been thrown down. When, Teacher, will this be ? ’

and what will be the sign of the accomplishment of these events? ' 1 Psa. cx. x. T About a halfpenny. 1133

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1133

The History of the People of Israel