formany will come in My Name, declaring that ‘ I AM ’ ; and that ‘ T he crisis has ap- proached ’ : do not you however follow them. And when you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified ; for all these must come first: but the end is not immediately} Nation will
rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be great earthquakes, and in many places {amines and plagues; as well as terri- fying signs from heaven. But before all these, they will apprehend and persecute you, handing you over to the synagogues and prisons, dragging you before kings and governors, on account of My name. The result, however, will be as an evidence in your favour. Resolve in your hearts, therefore,not to premeditate a defence; for I will Myself give you eloquence and wisdom, which none of your opponents will be able to refute or withstand. You will, however, be be- trayed by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends; while some among you will be murdered: and you will be universally hated because of My name. Not a hair of your heads, however, shall be lost. By your patience you shall preserve your lives. W5: @z¤irnrii¤n nf izrusalcm. But when you shall see jerusalem
encompassed with armies, reflect that her desolation is near. Then let those in judea take Eight to the hills; let those within her make their escape; and let not those in the neighbour-
22 hood enter therein: because these will be the days of her punishment, when all the recorded denunciations will be accomplished. ‘ Alas to those with child, and to
nursing mothers in those days! for there will be great distress upon the land, and fury against the people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led captive into every nation; while jerusalem shall be trodden down by the heathen, until the times of the heathen are completed. ‘And there will be signs in the
sun, and moon, and stars; and upon the earth nations in despair, as when in terror of the roaring and raging sea: men expiring from fear, and 26 apprehension of what is coming upon the world: for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then 27 shall they witness the Son of Man coming in a cloud, with transcendent power and majesty. ‘But when these begin to appear, 28 stand up and raise your heads; because your redemption then draws near. Wl): Sign nf ily: 3ig-direc. He now related this parable to them: ‘Observe the iig—tree, and all the
trees; when they first sprout, looking upon them, you yourselves know that the summer is approaching. In like manner you, too, when you witness these events, understand that the Kingdom of God is near. I tell you indeed, that this generation shall not pass away, until all will begin. The heavens and the earth may pass away ; but My statements will not pass away. But take care of yourselves, for fear your hearts should be loaded with debauchery, and drunkenness, and business cares, and that day come swiftly upon you like a snare; for thus it will come upon all dwelling upon the face of the earth. Watch, there- fore, at every season, offering prayer; 33 34 35 so that you may be prepared to escape all the coming calamities, and take your stand in the presence of the Son of Man.’ musing Qags nf the %mt nf man. During the days He was teach- 37 ing in the temple; and during the nights He went out and lodged in the hill known as Mount Olivet. And in 38 the early morning, all the people rushed to the temple to listen to Him. dbz Zlppruurbiug §nszuhzr. The festival of unfermented bread, 22 known as the Passover, was now drawing near. And the chief priests and professors were seeking an oppor- tunity to assassinate Him; but they were afraid of the people. who §1¤t of §ub¤¤. Satan then entered judas, surnamed
the Iscariot,who was numbered among the twelve. And he proceeded to converse with the chief priests and omcers, as to how he could hand Him II34