‘ Are You the King of the judcans ?’ was His answer. Pilate, than addressing the chief
priests as well as the crowd, said, “ X can find nothing criminal about this But they became more vehement,
He raised sedition among the people by His teaching through the whole of ]udea., from Galilee, where he started, even to this place} The mention of Galilee then led
Pilate to ask if the Man were a Gali- lean. And, learning that he belonged tothe jurisdiction of Herod, he re- manded Him to Herod, who was himself in jerusalem at the time, When Herod saw ]esus, he was
exceeding glad; for he had for a long time been anxious to see Him, on account of what he had heard con- cerning Him; and he expected to see striking eyidence come from Him. He accordingly asked Him a great many questions; but He explained nothing to him. The chief priests and the professors,
however, accused Him savagely. Then Herod despised Him, and with his guards ridiculed Him, and sent Him back to Pilate, wrapped in a splendid cloak. From that very day Pilate and Herod became friend- ly with one another; for before they had lived in enmity. Pilate, then addressing the chief
priests, the nobles, and the people, You have brought this Man before me on a charge of disturbing the people. Yet, having examined Him in your presence, I can find no such crime in the man as you accuse Him of; neither, indeed, has Herod; for he has sent Him back to us; and even he has decided that nothing has been done by Him to deserve death. Therefore, having flogged Him, I shall discharge 1 But they all yelled out in chorus,
‘Away with this fellow! an' let Barabbas be liberated for us! He was one who had been imprisoned for raising an insurrection in the city, and for murder. 20 Pilate, anxious to liberate jesus, For it
was necessarto liberate some one to them at The best critics, however, and earliest MSS., show it to be only an ancient editorial note.-~F.F. again expostulated : but they now Crucify! crucify Him! Speaking to them for the third time,
Why ? what oilence has this Man committed ? I can find Him guilty of no capital offence; I will therefore Hog Him, and discharge Him. But they, uniting in a general roar
, demanded that He should be crucified : and their voices prevailed. And Pilate chose to give way to their demand; so he released the man who had been imprisoned for riot and murder,whom they asked; but he handed jesus over to their will. dbz Qanglyicrs of §zrn¤a1rm.
And as they led Him away, they
seized Simon, of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country; and laying upon him the cross, they made him carry it behind jesus. And a large crowd of the people
followed Him, including women, who were beating their breasts, and lament— ing Him. jesus, however, turning Daughters of jerusalem, weep not for Me; but weep for yourselves and for your children. For now the days are coming, during which they shall say, ' Happy are the barren, happy the
childless, and happy those who have never nursed} Then they will begin to SAY T0 THE MoUN1‘A1Ns, ‘FALL UPGN Us'; AND To THE HILLS, ' BURY Us ’ ;1 because if they do this
with the green tree, what must happen to the rotten one ? ’ And two others, who were criminals,
were also led with Him for execution. @32 ®mci&.riuu. And when they arrived at a spot
known as Calvary (that is, Skulhcap}, they there crucified Him; one of the criminals being on the right, and the other on the left. And ]esus prayed, ‘ Father, forgive them; for they know not what they d0.' And casting lots, they divided His
clothing wrong them} And the people stood round as spectators; but they jeered, and the nobles also, He saved others; let Him save Himself, if this fellow is the Messiah, the chosen One of God l ’ The soldiers also ridiculed Him,
coming and offering Him sour wine, If You are the judean King, save Yourself I '