Are You not the Messiah ? Save Yourself and us l ’ But the other reproached him, say-
Should you not fear God, seeing you are yourself in the same punish- ment? And we indeed rightly: for we justly receive it for what we have done; but this Mau has done nothing ]esus, re- member me when You come into Your Kingdom! I tell
you truly, To~day you shall be with Me in Paradise.’ Eh: East warns uf ily: Suit nf Mau. 14 49 said which, He expired. undoubtedly an innocent Man? It was now about midday, and
darkness enveloped the whole lend until about three o’clock in the after- noon from the sun being obscured; and the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Then crying with a loud Father, into Your ; having Then the captain seeing the event,
This was And all the crowds that collected to
witness this spectacle, on seeing what had taken place, returned home, beat- ing their breasts. But all His friends stood at a distance from Him; and the women who followed Him from Galilee saw these things. Mhz Qiniuntlrmeni. 5o And a. man named joseph, of the udean town of Arimathaea—·~a benevo-
51 lent and just man, and a member of the senate, who had not concurred in the determination and crime of the others——who was himself also expect-
52 ing the Kingdom of God, proceeded to Pilate, and asked for the body 53 51 55 of jesus. And taking it down, he wrapt it in linen, and placed it in a rock—hewn tomb, in which none had as yet been buried. That was a Preparation-day, and a Sabbath was approaching. And the women who had accompanied Him from Galilee having followed, observed the tomb, and how the body was placed. And the actual Sabbath, in accordance with the command. But at day-break upon the first day 24 following the Sabbaths, they pro· ceeded to the tomb, carrying the aromatics which they had prepared. W12 Resurrection nf the Euro benz. They found, however, the stone 2
rolled away from the tomb; but, 3 having entered, they did not find the body of the Lord jesus. Now while 4 they were ‘sea.rching about for it, sud- denly two men stood near them in robes of dazzling brightness. And in 5 their terror they bent their faces to the ground; but the others asked them, ‘ Why are you searching for the living among the dead? He is not here, 6 but is risen; recollect what He told you while He was still in Galilee, saying, ‘Tl1e Son of Man must be 7 delivered over to the hands of wicked men, and be crucihed, and rise again the third day} They then remembered His state-
ment; and returning, they reported all this to the eleven, as well as to all the others. It was Mary the Magdalene, joanna, Mary the mother of }ames, and the other women, together with their friends, who reported this to the apostles. But the statements appeared to them to be nonsense; and they disregarded them. Peter, however, jumping up, ran to the tomb; and, stooping down, he saw the winding sheet lying there alone. He accord- ingly returned home, musing in astonishment respecting what had taken place. Mhz journey in ®mmeus. Now that very day two of them
were going to a village, named Em- maus, a distance of seven miles from jerusalem. And they conversed be- tween themselves about all these occurrences. While they were con- versing and discussing the matter, IO Il however, jesus Himself approached, and proceeded with them. But their eyes were held, so that they were prevented from recognising Him. What are these ideas which you throw out to each So they stood still, gloomily. Then one named Cleophas asked
Are You the only and myrrhs; but they rested upon resident of jerusalem who does not 1138 I2 I6 18