Luke - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1139

The New Testament


24-xg 94-as

know the events init during these last few days ? ' He then asked 20 21 22 23 28 them. ‘Why, those concerning jesus of

He was a Prophet, powerful in act and word in the presence of God, and all the people; but the chief priests and nobles delivered Him to a sentence of death, and they have crucified Him. We had hoped, however, that He was coming to deliver Israel. But in addition to all this, to·day being the third since these events occurred, some women of our company have much surprised us; for having- gone at day-break to the tomb, and not Ending the body, they came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said that He lives. So some of those with us proceeded to the tomb, and found it just as the women had stated; but they did not ‘ How senseless and slow your

hearts are to believe all that the prophets have spoken? He remarked Ought not the Messiah to have suffered in this way, and taken Begin- ning then with Moses, and going through all the prophets, he explained to them everything in the sacred writings which referred to Himself. Eb: Zark isms at Emmaus. Arriving then at the village to which

they were going, He made as if He would go further; but they pressed Stay with us; for it is near evening, and the day declines} He accordingly went in to staywith

30 them, and as they were reclining together at the table, He took the loaf, and He blessed and broke it, dis-

31 tributing it to them. Their eyes were then opened, and they recognised Him; but He withdrew from their presence. gz And they said to one another, ‘Was not our heart burning within and explained the Scriptures to us ?

33 They then arose, atonce; and re- turning to jerusalem, theythere found the eleven assembled, with those who

The Master had risen indeed, and had appeared to 35 Then they themselves recounted how He had been known to them in breaking the bread. Ul): Qnnifzsiaiinn of il]: {nth leans in the Qpnstlu. what had occurred upon the road, and While they were discoursing in this 36 way, jesus Himself stood among them, But they 33 were surprised and terror-stricken, imagining that they were gazing upon a spirit. He 38 and for what reason do doubts arise in your hearts? Look gg at My hands and My feet; it is My- self: touch Me, and see; for a spirit has not Besh and bones, such as you So saying, He 40 showed them His hands and His feet. But while they still disbelieved h·om 41 delight and astonishment, He asked Have you anything eatable They accordingly gave Him 42 apiece of baked fish; and taking it, 43 He ate it in their presence. Those were 44 facts which I told you while I was with yon: how all that is written concerning Mein the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms, must of necessity be fulnlled. He then opened their minds} to 45 enable them to understand the Scrip- Thus it was 46 written, that the Messiah must sufer, and rise again from the dead the third day; and thatachange of mind, 47 with pardon of sins, be proclaimed to all the heathen, beginning at jerusalem. You are witnesses of these events. 48 And remember that I will send the 49 promise of My Father; but stayin the city until you are endowed with power hom on high! Gl]: Qsrmtsiuu. He then led them out as far as 50 Bethany; and raising His hands, He blessed them. And while He was 51 blessing ·them, He was removed from them, being conveyed to heaven. Then, having paid Him homage, 52 they returned to jerusalem with in- tense delight; and were continually 53 in the temple praising God. wl]: ®2nznl¤gg ut isms. [[Now jesus Himself was about 23 thirty years of age on beginning [His work] , being (as He was regarded) a I John xx. 22. i Su Luke lit. 23. 1139

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1139

The History of the People of Israel