began to walk ; and entered the temple with them,walking, leaping, and prais- ing God. And all the people saw him walking
and praising God; and they recognised him to be the same person who had been accustomed to sit begging at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with astonishment mingled with ecstasy over what had happened to him. §§2izr’s §hBrz¤¤ in il;2 ¥2¤p1z. II I2
Peter and john, all the people, being greatly astonished, ran towards them in the portico known as So1omon's. Then Peter, seeing this,thus addressed the people: ‘ Men of Israel: Why are you sur-
prised at this? or why do you stare at us, as if by our own individual power, or active piety, we had enabled this man to walk? ‘ The God of Abraham, of Isaac, and
of jacob, the God of our forefathers, has magnified His Child jesus ;Wh0m, however, you betrayed and rejected in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to discharge Him. But you refused the Pure and Righteous, and demanded a man, a murderer, to be granted to you; while you murdered the Prince of Life, Whom God has raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses. And by the faith in His Name, this man whom you see and know, His Name has strengthened; yes, the faith which is through Him, has given to him this perfect sound- ness in the presence of you all. ‘And now, brothers, I know that
you did it through ignorance, as did also your rulers ; but what God fore- told through the mouth of all the prophets concerning His Suffering Change your minds, however, and tu rn mouth of His holy prophets for ago: past. Moses, indeed, said: YOUR Loan Gon w1LL RAISE UP rox YOU, FRGM AMoNG YOUR BRGTHERS, A PROPHET LIKE Mn; L1s'1‘nN T0 HIM IN ALL THAT HE MAY sAY To YOU. AND 11* SHALL an THAT xvmzv s0UL THAT WILL Nor L1s‘1‘EN *1*0 THAI PROPHET, SHALL BE EXPELLED anon Amour; ran r>no1>r.a.1 And all the prophets, also, from Samuel, and those that succeeded, as many, indeed, as have spoken, have also promised these days. You are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God executed with our forefathers, saying to Abraham: AND BY YOUR HEIR SHALL ALL THR FAM1LxBs 01* THE EARTH BE BLESSEDP God, having raised up His Son, has first sent Him to you, benefiting you, with the object of turning you all from your wicked- Wyz ,3p¤rtlz¤ 3rrz¤izh. But while they were speaking to
the people, the priests, and the corn· mander of the temple, and the Sad- ducees, made their appearance ; being very indignant because they were teaching the people, and announcing in jesus the resurrection from the dead. They accordingly arrested them, and took them intocustody until the following morning; for it was now evening. But many of the hearers believed the Message; and their number increased to about five thousand. Then on the following day, they
collected at jerusalem their own magistrates, elders, and professors, and Annas the High Priest, and Caiaphas, and john, and Alexander, together with as many as were relatives of the High Priest; and placing them in the centre, they
since we are to-day examined con- cerning a benefit to a feeble man, by what means he has been cured, let it be known to you, and to all the people I Deut. xviii. x5-xg * Gen. xii. 3; xxil. IIA.? zo