statements: jesus the Nazarene, a Mau pointed out as from God by powers, and wonders, and sigxzsgvhich God did through Him amongst you. as you yourselves know; having betrayed, you murdered Him by crucifixion through lawless hands, in accordance with the settled purpose and foreknowledge of God. God, however, has raised Him up, having liberated from the grip of Death; because it was not possible that He should be mastered by him. For David said concerning Him : {HAVE AT ALL TIMES SEEN THE Loan 1N MY r>nEsENcE; FOR HE IS UPON MY RIGHT, SO THAT I MAY NOT STUMBLE; MY HEART THEREFORE RE}0ICED, AND MY TONGUE EXULTED. MY BODY, MOREOVER, RESTED IN HOPE ; BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT LEAVE MY SOUL IN THE LAND OF SPIRITS, Non wiu. You Amow Yom: Hour ONE TO SEE CORRUPTION. YOU HAVE INSTRUCTED ME IN THE PATHS OF LIFE; YOU HAVE ENRAPTURED ME WITH YOUR OWN PRESENCE. ‘Men, brothers! it is necessary to
speak to you with freedom about the patriarch David ; because he died, and was buried; and his tomb is among us until the present time. Being, how· ever, a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn to him with an oath, that from the fruit of his body One should be seated upon his throne, he, foreseeing, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Messiah, that He was neither left in the land of spirits, nor did His body see corruption. God has raised Him, jesus, of 33 which we all are witnesses. Having also been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received the pro- mised Holy Spirit from the Father, He has conferred this, which you now
34 see and hear. For David has not as- cended into the heavens ; but he him· self says: THE LORD sun ro Mv Loan, BE SEATED Ar MY MGHT, 35 U1~u·11. I MAKE Yom: tmnmtns A Foo'1‘s*rooL Fon Yovn FEET. Let the whole house of Israel therefore know most certainly, that I Psa. xvi.8-·xx. * Psa. cx. 1
God has made this jesus, Whom you crucided, both Lord and Messiah. Mi: ®&'z:t of the Qtsrnnrsz. Now on hearing it, they were stung 37 to the heart, and said to Peter and the Men, brothers, what shall we do ?’ Change 38 your minds and be baptized, every one of you, in the Name of jesus Christ, for a p release from your sins; and you shall receive the gift ofthe Holy Spirit. Because the promise is for you, and 39 for your children, and to all afar od`, And with many other reasons he per- 40 suaded, bore witness, and comforted Save yourselves from this perverse generation l ’ Then those who accepted his state- 4r ment were baptized; and that very day there were added about three thousand souls. And they attended 42 to the teaching of the apostles, and to the fellowship; to the breaking of the bread; and to the prayers. Dread then took possession of every 43 soul, numerous wonders and signs being performed by means of the apostles. And all the believers were 44 united, and formed an organized com- munity; and selling their estates and 45 possessions, they distributed to all, according to the needs of each. And 46 they assembled daily in harmony in the temple, taking, however, their meals at home; partakingof their food with gladness,combined with humility of heart; praising God, and enjoying 47 the respect of all the people. And the Lord united to them daily those who were for salvation. ®m·2 uf u Rama Man. Once Peter and john were going up 3 to the temple at the hour of prayer, three o'clock in the afternoon. And 2 a man, who had been lame from his birth, used to be carried, and placed daily at the door of the temple, called Beautiful, to ask charity from those who entered the temple; who seeing Peter and john about to go into the temple, asked them to give him some- thing. But Peter, with john, looking Look at usf He accordingly paid attention to
them, expecting to receive something from them. Of silver and
gold I possess none; but what I have, II42