Under circumcision, or while uncir· Not in circumcision, but
while uncircumcised ; and hc received a token by circumcision, an evidence of his faithful righteousness while not circumcised, so that he might be the father of all uncircumcised believers, to whom righteousness will also be granted ; and a father of circum- cision, not only to those simply cir- cumcised, but to all arranging them- selves in the path of the faith of our uncircumcised ancestor Abraham. For the promise, that he should inherit the world, was not given through a ritual to Abraham or to his race; but through a righteous faith. For if they inherited through a ritual, the faith would be nullilied, and the promise abolished} However, the law abol- ished anger? Yet where_there_is no law,
x6 there is no transgression of it. There- fore it springs from faith, coinciding with a gift, so as to coniirm the pro- 18 21 22 mise to all his race; not to those through the law only, but also to those of Abrahams faith, who is the father of us all. As it is recorded: I HAVE A1>1>o1N‘mD You A FATHER or MANY ¤A·r1oNs,¤ in the sight of God in Whom he trusted, Who re- stores the dead to life, and names the nonexistent as if existent. Who trusted on hope against hope that he would be the father of many nations; according to the expression, THUS sHA1.r. youu mcs Bs.? And, not weak in faith, he regarded not his own body already deadened, when he was nearly a hundred years old, nor the barrenness of Sarah! Nor did he doubtingly criticise the promise of God; but was strong in faith, giving praise to God, and was perfectly satisiied that what He promised He could also perform: and therefore he was paid with righteousness. But it was not recorded for him only that it was so paid to him, but also for us to whom it will be granted ; to us, the believers on Him Who raised jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was betrayed through our sins, and raised through our righteousness. Th erefore,having become righteous l Genesis xvii. 5. i Genesis xv. is. from a faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord jesus Christ; by Whom we have also the access by that faith unto this gift in which we stand, and we exult in hope of the rectification from God. And not only that: but we also exult in our afilictious, perceiving that the aiilic- tion produces patience, and patience inquiry, and inquiry hope, and not a hope that disgraces ; because the love of God is poured into our hearts through a spirit of holiness, which He has given to us. For, at the very time when we were helpless, Christ died for the sake of the ungodly. For, while hardly any one would die for the sake of a righteous man——·though for a benefactor some might perhaps hazard death-··God established His love towards us by Christ dying for our sake when we were still sinners. How much more, then, having
been made righteous in His blood, shall we be delivered from the mad· ness of sin by Him! For if, while we were enemies, we were led back to God by means of the death of His Son; how much rather having been led back, shall we be saved by His life l Not only that, but we exult also in God because of our Lord jesus Christ, through Whom we have now received that return. ‘ Because, as by one man sin entered
the world, and through the sin the death, and thus death passed into all men, supposing indeed that all sin: for law was in the world before sin, for sin would not be charged if a law did not exist. However, death reigned from Adam to Moses, and over those who did not sin after the manner of the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the future. ‘ But the free gift, however, is not
like the transgression. For if from the sin of this one the many died, much more the gift of God and the endowment with that gift of the other Man, jesus Christ, will overflow to the many. And that gift is not as it would be with a single sinner ;, for out of the guilt of the one cams condemnation; but by the gift from the other came rectification from many transgres- sions. For if, by the transgression of that one, death reigned through that one, how much rather will those re- ceiving the abundant gift and endow- ment of righteousness reign in life through that other, Jesus Christ? 1178 I0 II 12 16