transgression might be obvious; yet, where the sin exceeded, the gift went far beyond it. So that as sin reigned with death, thus also the gift should reign through righteousness,to eternal life, by our Lord jesus Christ. What shall we say then Shall we continue in sin, so that the gift may exceed it? ’ Never! Since we died by
sin, how can we still live in it? Can you forget that as many of us as were baptized into Christ }esus were bap- tized into His death ? Consequently, we were buried with Him, through the baptism into His death; so that as Christ was raisedfrom the dead by the rectification fromHis Father, thus we also ought to conduct ourselves in a renewed life. For if we have been engrafted into the likeness of His death, then we shall also be into that of His resurrection ; recognising this, that our old man has been crucified with Him, so that the personality of sin might be destroyed, for us no more to slave for sin: for the dead is liberated from sin. ‘ But if we have died with Christ, we
believe that we shall equally live with Him ; knowing- that Christ, having risen from the dead, cannot again die. Death can no more dominate
xo Him. For when He died, He died by sin once for all; but when He
ir lived, He lived from God. Therefore you should consider yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, butalive with God
:2 in Christ jesus. Consequently, do not allow sin to reign in your mortal body,
13 to obey its lusts; neither present your organs to sin as instruments of wickedness; but offer yourselves to God as alive from the dead, and your :6 organs as instruments of righteous- ness for God; because sin must not govern you. now you are not under a law, but under a gift. What then-—shall we sin
because we are not under law, but under a gift that to whoever you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves to those you obey; whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteous- ness? But, thank God, that although you were slaves of sin, now you heartily obey the rules of the discipline under which you enlisted ; and, being lioerated from sin, you are engaged by righteousness. I speak humanly, because of your natural weakness. For as you presented your organs slaves to impurity and unrestrained lawlessness, so now you should pre- sent your organs slaves to righteous- ness in holiness. For then you were slaves of sin, but now you are freemen of righteousness. What benefit had you then from those practices that now shame you? for their result is death. But now, having been freed from sin, and serving with God, you have the fruit of your consecration; the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in jesus Christ our Lord. 18 20
have died to the law through the body of Christ, for the purpose of devoting yourselves to another, to the One who was raised from the dead, so that you may produce fruit to God. For when we were in our sensuality, the passions of sinners against the law stimulated our organs to produce fruit to death. But now we are released from that law·—that by which we were possessed, having died-——so that·we may serve in a renewed spirit, and not by an old What then-~shall we say the law was wrong? ’ No! on the contrary, I
should not have comprehended the sin, except by means of a law; and I should not have known what the lust
Never! Know you not l was, if the law had not said, You 1179