EVER-Lxvmo, which you shall pro- claim with a Holy Proclamation, as MY FEsr1vALs. ‘ You shall do your work for six
days, but on the Seventh Day there shall be a rest of rests, with a holy proolarnation fron: all jvorlz; you IO II I2 shall do none on the Sabbath. It is for the EvER·L1V1NG in all your dwelling places. Fhese are festivals to the EVER-
LIVING, with a. Holy Proclamation, which You shall proclaim at your festivals. In the `Brst month, in the four-
teenth day of the month, between sunrise and sunset is the Passover of the EvER—L1v1NG. And on the Hfteenth day of that month is the Feast of Unfermented Bread to the EVER-LIVING. For seven days you shall eat unfermented bread. Upon the first dayyou shall make a holy proclamation. You shall do no ser- vile work; and you shall offer a trespass-offering to the EVER-L1v1NG, for seven days. For seven days, by a Holy Proclamation, you shall do no labouring work} my: @ui¤ of §arl:z¤iing. The EVER-LIVING- also spoke to Moses commanding; ‘Speak to the children of Israel and say to them; ‘ When you come into the country
that I will give to you, and reap its harvest, you shall bring the lirst sheaf of your harvest to the priest, and he shall wave the sheaf before the Evan-Livmc to delight you. The priest shall wave it the day after the Sabbath; and you shall offer on the day of your waving of the sheaf a perfect lamb, the son of that year, as
1 I cannot refrain from remarking that no
heathen Code of Law has ever contained laws enforcing humanity to animals. Doing so is the peculiar distinction of Go¤'s Revela- tion ;oman. Let the reader reiect on Fit.—· . . a burnt-offering to the EvE11—LIvzNG ·; with a food offering of a twelfth of :3 Hour mixed with oil as a perfume to the Evnnmrvmo, a pleasant breath; and, as a draught of wine, the quarter of a hin. And you shall not eat in public bread, or oats, or vegetables on that day, until you have brought this gift to your Gob. This is a perpetual Institution for your pos— terity, in all your dwelling—p1aces. ‘iYou shall also count for your-
selves from the day after the Sabbath that you brirr the Wave—sheaf, seven Sabbaths. They must be complete. Then after the seventh Sabbath, you shall count fifty days, when you shall present a new offering to the EVER- LIVING. You shall bring from your dwellings two wave cakes of two tenths of line Hour. They shall be fermented,—- baked in an oven for the EVER~L1v1NG. ‘You shall also offer with this
bread seven perfect lambs of a year, and a bullock, a son of the fold, and two rams, which shall be a burnt- offering to the EvnR~L1v11~:o, with their foochofferings and their drink- offerings, as a gift of sweet—odour to the EvER~Llv1NG. You shall offer as well one he goat for a simoffering, and two lambs of a year old for a thank·offering, and the priest shall wave them with the fxrst—made—bread ; he shall wave them before the EVER- LIVLNG. They shall be sacred to the Even-Livmo; with the two lambs for the priest. ‘ Then there shall be made a holy
proclamation to the public on that day; it shall be Holy of Holies to you. You shall not do any labouring work. This is an everlasting Institution, in all your dwellings, for your posterity, that in reaping your harvests, you shall not reap to the edge of your fields in your reaping; and you shall not glean. Leave the gleanings for the poor and the foreigners amongst you. I am your EVER-LIVING GOD. 16 18 20 21 22
Eaton of the feast of llzmeutlirmtrz mth furgihzurss of %ins. The Evan-Lrvmo also spoke to 23 Moses saying ;—- ‘ Speak tothe children of Israel 24 to say ;— ‘ In the seventh month, in the first
day of the month, there shall be a Rest for Remembrance of Sins. It is 118