Leviticus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 117

The Five Books of Moses

LEVITICUS. 22-···4 cleanness upon him, that person shall be cxcommuuicated from before Me. I am the Evmz-Lrvmc. ‘ Any man from the race of Aaron

who has leprosy, or the disease of fomication, shall never eat of what is pure; or if he has a coutagiou of any diseaseon his body; or a man who comes from procreative copula; or a man who has touched any reptile that may deiile him; or a. man that may defile himself by anything that dehles him; a person who defiles him by touch until the evening ; he shall not eat of the sacred offer- ings unless he bathes his body in water. Butlwhen the sun sets then he will be clean, and afterwards may eat of the sacred oHerings,·~—for he is clean. Of a dead or torn carcase he shall not eat, to defxle himself with it. I am the EVER-r.xv1NG. IO II I2 I`hus they shall reverence MY

TRUSTS, and not bring sin upon themselves, and die in it, to condemn themselves. I the Evxzx-uvmo consecrate them. ‘No foreigner shall eat of the

sacred offerings. A visitor to the priest, and the hired servant of the family shall not eat of the sacred oiferings, but a priest who buys a person, having bought him for money, that person may eat, and those

born in his house may eat of the food. But the daughter of a priest who has a foreign husband may not eat of the Raised-leg of the sacred offerings. But the daughter of a priest who may be a widow, or divorced, and has no offspring for herself, and dwells in the house of her father as insher youth, she may eat of the bread of her father; but any foreigner may not eat it. Any person, however, who un- knowingly eats of sacred offerings, shall return Eve times as much for it, and give it to the priest for the

15 offerings; for the children of Israel shall not profane My sacred offerings, which are lifted up to the EVER-

x6 LIVING; and they shall. bear the sin of trespass, if they eat of the sacred gifts, for I am the Evna-Lxvme Who ®zneraI Estes nf worship. :7 The EvnR·x..1v1NG also spoke to Moses and said; Speak to Aaron and to his sons, 22*22

and to all the children of Israel, and say to them; ‘Any man of the House of Israel,

or of the foreigners in Israel, who cders a gift for any of their vows, or for any free-will gift, which they present to the Even-Livmo for a burnt—o§ering, that will please, let it be a perfect male from the oxen, or sheep, or goats. Anything that has a defect in it they shall not present, for it will not be pleasing to the EVER-LIVING from them. ‘And the man who presents a

sacrifice of thanks to the EVER- LIVING to fulfil a vow, or a free-will odering, let it be a perfect beautiful sheep;-—there must be no defect in it. The blind or torn shall not be presented to the EV1?,R·L1v1NG, or the sick, or brokenavinded, or sour- vied, or scabbed. A female, also, shall not be offered by them at the altar of the Evsa—L1v1Ne. And an ox, or sheep that is deforrned or a dwarf,-»if you make a vow of them, 20 21 22

they will not be accepted. And if 24 castrated, or crushed, or mutilated, or wounded, you shall not present them to the EvER·1.1v1NG—-—aud you shall not so mutilate them in your country. ‘ You shall also not present food to 25 your GOD from any of these, by the hand of a foreigner, for to offer by him would be to desecrate them. They would not be accepted from Elie Eaton nf §ummrilg in 3nimaIs. The EVER-LIVING also spoke to 26 Moses commanding; ‘When a cow, or a sheep, or a 27 goat has young, then you shall let it be for seven days with its mother, but on the seventh day it will be acceptable as a gift of trespass to the Evnn·L1v1NG. But you shall not slay a cow or a sheep and their young upon the same day. ‘ And when you sacriflcea sacrifice

of thanksgiving to the Even-uvxno, you should sacrihce it for your de- light. Eat it upon the same day; leave nothing of it until the morning. ‘ I am the Evsxerlvmo; and you

shall keep My Commandments, and practise them ;-·l am the Evas- LIVING. And you shall not defile My 28 HOLY NAME; for I would be sancti- Hed in the midst of the children of Israel; I am the EvER—r.1vxNc;, Who II'7

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The History of the People of Israel