than men can endure: for God is faithful, Who will not permit you to be tried beyond what you are able; on the contrary, He will with the trial also provide the escape by which you will be able to come out of it. Therefore, my friends, avoid idol-
atry. I speak as though to reflective men; you can examine what I say. The cup of the blessing which we
bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The loaf which we break, is it not the communion ofthe body of Christ? Because as in a loaf, we, the many, are a sing1e·body; for we all share the same loaf. Look at the corporate Israel! Are not those who eat the sacriiices communicants with the altar? What then? Do I say that the idol is anything? or that which is offered in sacrihce to idols is anything? On the contrary, that what the heathen sacrifice, THEY sacrtxmcn T0 DEMONS, AND Nor to Gon.! But I do not wish you to become communicants with de- mons. You are not able to drink the Lord’s cup, and the cup of demons. You are not able to share the Lord’s table, and the table of demons. Shall we provoke the Lord ? We are not stronger than He-are we ? Everything, is per- But yet everything does not benefit} All is right.’ But everything does not
edify. Let no one seek only his own, but the benefit of others. You can eat all that is sold in the
market, never inquiring about it be- cause of conscience: for rim EARTH AND HBR FULNESS is FROM rim LORD.* If any one ofthe unbelievers invite you, and you wish to go, you should eat whatever is served, never examining it for the sake of con- science. But if some one says to you,
Dead the Heathen Deities being, actually, only the memorials of old celebrated chief- tains.·——F. F. * Psa. xxiv.t. you ought not to eat; because of the one informing you, and his conscience. And I say it should not be for your own conscience; but for that of the other. For to what purpose is my liberty to be judged under the con- science of another? If I partake with thankfulness, why should I be slandered about that for which I have given thanks? Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or what- ever you do, do all in honour of God. You should be inoffensive both to jews and Greeks, and to the church of God; just as I also make everything pleasant to every one, not seeking my own benefit, but instead, that of the many, so that they may be saved. Become imitators of me, as I am also of Christ. And I thank you, because you are mindful of me in everything; and in what I instructed you, you observe my instructions. links far Gmthnrting gibiuz Szrhirz. N ow I wish you to understand that
Christ is the head of every man; but the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or preaching,
having the head covered, disgraces his own head ; but every woman pray- ing or preaching with the head un— veiled disgraces herown head, for she is like the abandoned shorn woman. For if she is not veiled, then let her be shorn; but if it is a disgrace to a woman to be shorn or shaved, she should be veiled. It is not necessary, indeed, for men to be veiled over the head,`because they possess a likeness and honour of God; but the woman is man’shonour. For man exists not as derived from woman ; on the con- trary, woman was derived from man: because man was not created for the sake of woman, but woman because ofthe man. Consequently, the woman ought to have a cover upon the head, on account of the angels. However, woman is not separate from man, nor man separate from woman in the Lord; for as the woman was formed out of the man, so the man through the woman : but everything proceeds from God. CB1: Mnhzsig in mutant. Consider about these yourselves.
Is it becoming for a woman to pray IIOJ 33 Il IO II 12