15 him ? But if a woman has long tresses, it is an honour to her ; because the tresses are given to her for a. veil.
16 If any one assumes to be censorious, neither we nor the assemblies of God know any such custom. 17 But I consider this not to be es- timable; that you do not meet to- gether for the better, but for the worse.
18 For, firstly, when you are assembling in congregation, I hear there are differ- ences among you-~and I partly be-
19 lieve it: for it is necessary that you should have parties, so that the ap- proved among you may become known. 20 However, when you come together by yourselves, you do not do it to partake of a supper dedicated to the
21 Lord; for each one prepares his own individual mealto eat alone ; and one may be hungry, another, again,
22 gorged. For why? Have you not homesin which to eat and drink? or do you look with contempt upon the assembly of God, and shame those who have not? What shall I say to you? Shall I approve of you ?·-—I do 28 not approve of you in this. For I received from the Lord what
I delivered to vow-that the Lord esus on the night in which He was etrayed, took a loaf, and having
given thanks, broke it, and said, ‘ This is My body, which is for you do this in remembrance of Me. And in the same way, after supper, This cup is the New Settlement in My blood: do this, as often as you drink it, in re- For as often as you eat thisbread, and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord, until I-Ie returns. So that whoever may eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord unworthily, will be re- sponsible for the body and the blood ofthe Lord. But let a man test him- self, and thus let him eat from the
29 loaf and drink from the cup ; for the eater or drinker eats condemnation to himself when not distinguishing
30 the body. Consequently, many among you are weak and sickly, and low 1 No·1·s.—Any such custom as alin women to go unveiled in public, which amongst the Greeks was considered scan- dalous, and_only dont by women of bad
be ignorant about spiritual gifts. You know that you were heathen, dragged to speechless idols, as if you were captured: therefore I inform you that no one speaking with a Divine spirit Curse jesus;” and no one is except by a holy spirit. And there are diderent talents, but the same Spirit; and there are Adiderent omces through E
the same Lord; and there are diH`erent 6 energies, but the same God energizing everything in them all. And to each 7 one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for mutual benefit. For to this 8 man, perhaps, is given through the Spirit philosophic reason; but to another, by means of the same Spirit, comprehension of thought; and to a g diderent person faith by the same Spirit; while to another gifts of healing by means of the same Spirit; and to another a genius for government; while to another eloquence ; to another discernment of character; and to an- other a genius for languages; and to another talent for translating lan- guages. But the same Spirit energizes all these in the individual, distributing to each person as He considers best. For although the body is single, yet it
has many limbs; but all the many limbs of the body, although individual, are one body: and so is Christ. For although individual, we were all bap- tized into one body, whether jews. or Greeks, whether slaves or freemen; and we are all drinking of one Spirit. For indeed the body is not a single
organ, but many. If the foot should Because I am not the hand, -does it therefore not belong to the body? Because I am not the eye, I do not belong to -···does it therefore not belong to the body? If all the body were an eye, where would be the I I95 I0 I! I2 16