I resisted him face to face, because he was blameable. For before some came from james, he ate with the heathen ; but when they came, he shrank back and separated himself, fearing some from the circumcision. And the rest of the jews played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas also was led away by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they did not
walk straight towards the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them If you, who are a jew by nation, live like a foreigner and not like a. ]ew, how can you urge the foreigners to judaizei We are natural ]ews, and not sinners from among the heathen; but we know that a man is not made righteous by ritualism, ex- cept through a faith of jesus Christ ; and we believe in Christ jesus, so that we may be made righteous from a faith of Christ, and not from legal rituals, because by legal rituals no person will ever become righteous. But, if, desiring to become righteous in Christ, we ourselves are found to be sin- ners, would Christ then be a minister of sin? Never! For if I reconstruct what I had pulled down, I prove my- self foolish; for through a law I died to law, so that I might live with God. I have been crucified with Christ : but I live ; yet still not I, but Christ lives in me. But the bodily life I now live, 1 live for the faith of the Son of God Who loved me, and gave Himself up for me. I do not set aside the gift of God ; for if righteousness were through a ritual, then Christ died to no purpose. $aiil; rnntrasizh tniil; the Zeta. Silly Galatians! who has fascinated
you, before whose eyes jesus Christ was plainly depicted, crucified? I only want to learn this from you: Did you receive the Spirit from a law of rituals, or from communication of a faith? Are you so senseless, that having begun spiritually, you would now end in flesh? Have you suffered so much for nothing ?-·~if it is really for nothing i Then did He Who brought the Spirit to you, and worked power» fully in you, do so by a law of rituals, or by communication of •. faith ?-—·-as Aanuxau rnusrxn ru Gon, nm rr 6 was min ro mu in n1Gr·1‘r¤0Us· unss.1 Therefore, you should know that 7 those from faith are themselves sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, fore- seeing that God would make the heathen righteous by means of a faith promised from the first to Abraham, that ALL THB Hzxrrmw SHALL B2 nnassnn in von.! So those irom a faith are blessed with the faith of Abraham. For whoever are dependent on a law of rituals, are under a curse; for it is written, rear Au. who no Nor c0N‘1‘1NUE m ALL THE wktrmcs 01* mm Boox 0F rmt Law 1*0 D0 THEM, has UNDER A cuxsa} But it is clear that none in law are righteous with God; because, rem Rxorrmous sm.1.1. uva nv rAi1·n.¢ But the ritual did not come from faith; on the contrary, THE PERFORMER OF THEM Musr u ¤ Ch va iu rr~mM.rist ur- chased us from the curse of the law, becoming a curse for us; for it is written: Cuksan BEYOND Maasuxx 1s ANY 0NE HANGING UPON A TREE ; so that the blessing of Abraham might come to the heathen by Christ jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Brothers, (I speak humanly) even a
testament made by a man, no one sets aside or adds to. And to Abraham and to his heir the promises were de~ and to your as of many; but concerning Who is Christ. And I assert this the rituals, beginning four hundred and thirty years after, could not cancel zo. Settlcmcntprcviously established by God, so as to abolish the promise. For if the inheritance comes from a ritual, it is 110 more from a pr<>~ misc; yet God granted it to Abraham through a promise. Why, then, the law? It was established because of sins, until the Heir should come in Whom were the promisesmarranged through messengers iu the hand of an intermediary. But an intermediary between a single individual cannot be—··but God is One. Is the law therefore <:ontra.ry to the promises? Never! Yet if to a law were given IO II 12 16 :8 20 21 1 Gen. xv. 6. ’ Gen. xil.3; xviii 18. Deut. xxvii. 26. * Heb. ii. 4. Lev. xviii. 5. * Deut. xxi. 2;. IQOQ