anchored, sheltered under a law, until the revelariou of that future faith. S0 that the law became a. leader of our childhood to Christ, in order that we might be made righteous from faith. But the faith having come, we are no longer under the leader of our child· hood. For you are all sons of God through the faith in Christ jesus. For whoever of you were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Not one a jew and another a
Greek; nor one a slave and another free; nor one male and another female: for you all are united in Christ jesus. But if you are of Christ, then you are of Abrahams race, inheritors by the promise. 4 But I say the inheritor, during the time he is under age, differs little from a. slave, although he is master of all.
2 He is under guardians and adminis- trators until the period fixed by his
3 father. And thus we, while we were infants, were trained under the former
4 rules ofthe Hebrew ritual. But when the completion of the time came, God sent His own Son, born of a woman,
5 born under a ritual ; so that He might buy out those under a ritual, and that
6 we might receive the sonship. And i therefore you are s0ns,G0d having sent the Spirit of His own Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
7 So that no one is now a slave, but a son; if a son, also an inheritor through
8 the favour of God. But then, when you knew not God, you slaved to what
9 are not gods by nature. But now, knowing God—··nay, rather being acknowledged by God——~how can you turn again to these weak and poor ideas, to which you wish to be en-
ro slaved again? You observe days, and li [2 months, and seasons, and particular years. I fear for you, that I have worked among you in vain. I beg of you, brothers, become like
me, so that I may be like you. You never injured me. And you know I preached to you formerly in bodily weakness; and you did not despise your trial in my, body, nor reject me: on the contrary, you received me as a messenger of God—·—as Christ jesus. How great then was your delight l For I witness to you, that if possible, pulling out your eyes, you would have given them to me ! Am I become like an enemy, by speaking the truth to you ? They court you, but not honour- ably: on the contrary, they wish to dazzle you, so that you may court them. But it is always noble to be honourably courted, and not only in my presence with you. My little children, for whom I am
again in agony until Christ be moulded in you, I wish I were now present with you, and coaxing you by my voice; because I fear for you. Tell me, you who wish to be under a ritual, Do you x6 18 2o 21
not hear The Law, where it is written, 22 that Abraham had two sons, one from the slave girl, and one from the free woman ? But that from the slave girl 23 was born naturally, and that from the free woman through a promise. Which can be allegorized, for they are two covenants: one indeed, from Sinai Rock, born in slavery, which is Hagar; 1 for Sinai Rock is a mountain in Arabia, and represents the present jerusalem ., for she is enslaved with her children. But the supreme jerusalem is a free woman, who is the mother of us all. For it is written: LET THB BARREN WH0 HAS No'! GIVEN BIRTH TO CHILDREN RE- yoicn, Srimmc AND sHoU‘t‘, SHE WH0 Has Nor LABOURED; BECAUSE THB GHILDREN 01* THE DBSERTED ARE MORE THAN HBRS WH0 HAD THE HUS- BAND.? And we, brethren, are children ac-
cording to the promise through Isaac. 26 28
But,as then, he who was born natur— 29 ally despised him who was by the Spirit-so it is now. But what says 30 the Scripture? SEND AWAY THE SLAVE GIRL WITH HER SON ; Fox THE soN oF THE sLAvE sim. SHALL Nor 1NHER1'1‘ WITH THE s0N oF THE FREE WOMAN. Therefore, brethren, we are not 3: children of the slave, but of the free. Stand, therefore, on the freedom 5 with which Christ has freed us, and submit not again to a yoke of slavery. Listen to what I, Paul, tell you : 2 that if you be circumcised, Christ profits you nothing. And I assert 3 1 Hagar signides Rock in Hebrew.