4 ritual. Whoever of you are made righteous by a ritua1,you are detached from Christ—y0u are fallen from the
5 gift. For we received hope of righteousness from a spirit of faith
. 6 For in Christ neither circumcision, nor uncircumcision strengthens; but faith energized bv love. _ 7 You were running well : who tripped 8 you into not going true ? That signal g was not given from your Leader. A little ferment ferments the whole
xo mass. But I trust to you in the Lord XI 16 18 20 Z! 22 26 that you do not intend differently; but your disturber shall be punished for his fault, whoever_l1e may be. But I, brethren, if I still preach
circumcision, why am I still perse- cuted? for then the oEence of the cross would be destroyed. And I wish those who mutilate you would maim themselves. For you were called to freedom, brethren: only use not that freedom as an excuse for sensuality; but through love you should serve one another. For all the law is completed in one expression in this: Yon smut. Love Yoon NBIGHBQUR As YGURSELFJ But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not mutually ex- terminated. However, I say, Walk spiritually, and do not gratify sensual passion. ` For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the Hesh; for these oppose one another, so that you do not what you would wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under a ritual. And the works of the flesh are plain; they are these : fornification, uncleanness, ex- cess, ido1atry,poisoning, hatred, strife, rage, lusts, contentions, discussions, sectarianism, envy, murder, drunken- ness, revelling-·and all such like. What I said formerly to you I also say now, that those who practise these will not inherit the Kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
gladness, peace, patience, gentleness, purity, faith, mildness, continence; there is no law against these. And the men of Christ have crucified the body, together with its passions and lusts. If we live spiritually, we should also drill ourselves spiritually. Let us not become vaimglorious, provoking one another, irritating one another. 1 Lev. xix. x8. §r¤tl;rrlg Qrboriaiimts. Brethrenif , a man amon you should fall into some sin, you who are spiritual restore him in a spirit of mild ness ; looking to yourself, for fear you also should be tempted. Support one another’s burdens, and so perfect the law of Christ. For if a person thinks himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let every one examine his own work, and then he -has the boast in himself alone, and not in another; for every one must carry his own load. Let the taught communicate to the
teacher of the message, in all benefits. Do not err; God cannot be deluded :
for what a man sows, that he will also reap. If he sows for his sensuality, from that sensuality he will reap perdition; but sowing for the Spirit, from the Spirit he will reap eternal life. And acting nobly, we shall not suder; for if we faint not, we shall reapat the right season. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all; but especially to the citizens of the faith. You see how large a letter I have written to you with my own hand. fnniscriph Those who wish to show well ex-
ternally would force you to be cir- cumcised; solely that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. For the circumcisers themselves never observe the ritual; but they wish you to- be circumcised, so that they may boast about your body. But I myself will not become boastful, except in the cross of our Lord jesus Christ, by which a world was crucified to me, and I to a world !- For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything; but a new creation is. And as many as discipline themselves by this rule, on them peace and mercy, and on the Israel of God. But from now let none of them trouble me; for I carry in my body the brand marks of ]esus. The blessing of ourLord Jesus
_ xChrist be with your spirit, bre ren. Amen. I0 XI I2 x6 18
(Written to the Galatians, [rom Rome, about 57 or 58 A.1>.) l`2ll