I Timothy - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1227

The New Testament

1 -20 1. TIMOTHY.

4- ··8

away from, have shipwreckcd their

zo faith; of whom are Hymeuaeus, and Alexander, whom I have delivered to the Accuser, so that they may be taught not to blaspheme. Rules nf ®¤nhuci fm: tbz §¤¤zmh1g. 2 Therefore, I command, first of all,


11 {2 to offer supplications, prayers, i¤ter» cessions, thahksgivings, for all men; for kings and all those in authority : so that we may pursue an open and peaceful life, in perfect reverence and respect. For this is noble and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, Who wishes all mem to be saved, and to come to a recogni- tion of the truth. For God is One; and the intermediary between God and men is One, the Man Christ ]esus; Who gave Himself a ransom for the sake of all ; Who brought the proof at the righttime, of which I was appointed a herald and messenger--I speak truth, I am not lying-a teacher of nations in the faith and truth. I order, therefore, prayer to be made for those men in every place, lifting up innocent hands, free from anger and doubting. Let women clothe in befitting dress,

with dignity and neatness; and beautify themselves with modesty not with wreaths and gold, nor jewelled bracelets, nor expensive robes; but with what befits women professing devotion, acts of benevo- lence. Let a woman learn in silence with all obedience. And I entrust not a woman to teach or to dominate a man; but, on the contrary, to be quiet. For Adam was formed first, Eve second. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman came into transgression through being com- pletely deceived; but she will be saved because of the child-bearing, if she con- tinues in faith, and love, and purity, with modesty. This word is true. lf any one aspires to an overseer-

ship, he desires a noble work. T he oyerseer should, however, be unassai1— able, the husband of one wife, watch- ful, sober, orderly, hospitable, taught ; not a drunkard, nora pugilist, nor an extortioner ; gentle; not contentious ; not avaricious; regulating his own house well, keeping his children in obedience with all propriety. For if anyonedoes not know how to govern his own family, how can he take care ofa Divine assembly? Not a new con- vert; lest inflated he should fall into the crime of the Devil, being intoxi· cated with pride. And he ought also to haveafair reputation with the out- siders, so that he may not fall into re- proach and the accuser‘s trap. Deacons likewise should be grave;

not deceitful, nor addicted to much wine, nor greedy for money: but preserving the secret ofthe faith with a pure understanding. And let these be tested first; afterwards, being proved irreproachable, they may serve. The women as well should be grave; not slanderers; watchful; faithful in everything. Deacons must be husbands of one

wife, and governing their children and their own houses well ; for they who have served nobly, acquire to them- selves an honoured station, and much freedom of speech in the faith which is with Christ jesus. I write these to you, hoping soon to

come; yet that lf l should delay, you might know how to be conducting yourself in God’s house, such as is an assembly of a living God, a pillar and support of the truth. And the mystery that is in the true worship is admittedly great. H E Who was manifested in a body ; justified in Spirit; Guarded by angels ; Proclaimed among the nations; Believed on in the world; Was taken up into glory! $u:ihrg Qilyargzz in Gimuibg.

However, the Spirit expressly says

that in latter times some will turn away from the faith, addicting them- selves to seducing spirits, and to teachings of demons; teaching lies in hypocrisy; burning up their own conscience; hinderlug marriage; abstaining from foods, which God created to be consumed with thank- fulness by the faithful, and recognisers of the truth. Because all created by God is good, and nothing is worth- less, if received with thankfulness; for it is sanctiiied by Divine thought and thanksgiving. You will be a good minister of Christ jesus if you lay these things before the brethren; and feed yourself with the reasons for the faith, and the noble teaching which you have followed. But put aside degrading and silly tales, and exercise yourself in piety: for bodily IQZ7 I0 II 12 x6

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1227

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