g promise both of the present life, and of the future. This truth is sure, and
10 worthy of acceptance by all; for on I1 I2 16 XO II X2 account of it we labour and contend for the prize; because we hope on a living God, Who is a Saviour of all men, especially of faithful. Command and teach these things.
Let none despise you for your youth; but rather become a model for the faithful, in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity Until I come, proceed with instructiomwith exhorta— tion, with teaching. D0 not neglect the gift you possess, which was given to you through teachings, with the imposition of the hands of the Old Man.! Take special care of these; stand in them; so that your progress may be exhibited to all. Pay respect to yourself and to the teaching. Continue in them ; for doing so, you will both save yourself and your hearers. Reprove not an elder, but rather
advise him as a father ; the young men as brothers; the elder women as if mothers; the young women as though sisters, with all purity. Respect widowswthose who are widows. But if any widow has children or grand- children, they must learn first to treat religiously their own home, and to make repayment to their parents; for that is acceptable in the presence of God. But she who is a widow and desolate, should earnestly hope upon God, and continue with supplications ht and d d with anrayers mgay; but the seliiindulgent are in a living death. Advise these thin s, so that they may be blameless. %ut if any do not provide for themselvesa and especially for their families, they have repudiated the faith, and are worse than an unbeliever. Let a widow be oatalogued, ifnot less than Siitty years of age, a wife ofonehusbancl, testified f bood works-if she has brought r
oy up c§il<lren; if she has welcomed strangers;if she has washedholy feet; if she has helped the distressed; if she has followed up every good work. But put aside younger widows; for whenever they wish tomarry, the will l turn their backs upon Chriest. hey
an adectionately
playful title St. Paul was accustomed to apply to hlwself when writing to personal friends, as here and to Philemon. RF, are blameable, because they despise their first faith. And besides, they learn idleness, going about the families; and not only are idle; but, further, become detractors and meddlers, speaking what they ought not. I therefore order younger women to marry, to rear children, to regulate A home; never to give an excuse to the enemy for reproach. For some have already turned to follow Satan. If any believing man or woman has widows, let such provide for them, and not burden the assembly; so that those who are widows may be assisted. Let the elders who govern skiifully
be considered worthy of double honour, especially those engaged in discourse and teaching: for the Scripture says, MUZZLE N0! THE rnimsuinc ox ;1 and, Tun woma- MAN Dnsmwxs I-ns WAGES. Receive no accusation against an
elder, unless on the evidence of Iwo OR Tmzxn WITNESSES} In the pre- sence of all reprove those who sin, so that the rest may also fear. I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ jesus, and of the chosen angels, that you may observe these rules free from prejudice, never acting from partiality. Never lay hand precipi— tously upon any, neither participate with other men’s sin; keep yourself pure. is 16 18 20 21 22 Drink water no longer, but use 23 with a little wine for the stomach and your excessive weakness, The faults of some men are evi- 24 dent; they come out into observa- tion; but in others they have to be sought for. just in the same way, 25 the good qualities are also prominent; and what are otherwise cannot be hidden. Whoever are under a bond of
slavery, let them consider their own masters worthy of all honour; so that the Name of God and His teaching may not be reviled. But those who have believing masters, should not pay less respect on account of their being brethren: but rather let them work better, because they are faithful and beloved ; and they will receive a return for their good conduct. Teach and impress these. If any one teaches ev. xix. 13. 1 Deut. xxv.$ * L¤ ent. xix. X5. I228