Leviticus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 123

The Five Books of Moses


26--14 26--37

18 2G 21 22 Wfw bmught from the Mitzerites’ dan To wH:>m you had been enslaved, And from 0E you broke their md, And in triumph marched you cut! But if you refuse to hear Me, And obey not all My Command- ments; And if you despise My Statutes; And tum your souls from My Laws, To neglect to do My Commaud~ ments, And break away from My Bonds; Then I will do this toyou; Will send you consumption, and fever, And wasting of eyes, and a fainting soul; And scatter your race to the wind; And your foes shall devour your— selves. I will set my face against you, And strike you before your foes; And those who hate you shall drive, And you By from instead of pursue, And if for this you will hear Me not, I will sevenfold punish your sins, And break the pride of your strength; And turn your skies intoiron, And make your ground like brass; And send you a. choking wind, And your land not give her growth, Nor the trees of the land their fruit. And if you load Me perversely, And will not listen to Me, I will sevenfoldpunish your sins, And wild beasts shall destroy your sons, And out off your herds, and reduce, And haunt you upon your roads. If for these you turn not to Me, But perversely load Me still; Then I will load you with grief, And heavily strike your sins; And bring cruel slaughter upon Y0U. To avenge the broken Law, And crowd you into your cities, And there send the plague to you, And give to the hand of your foe- men. I will then break the stan of bread; And in one oven ten shall bake, And your bread shall be given by weighing, You shall eat, but shall not be filled. If for this you will not hearken, But still recoil upon Me, I then will advance on you fiercely, And charge on you in My wrath,-·— I, Myself, for your sevenfold sins. You shall then eat the flesh of your sons And the flesh of your daughters consume. And I will destroy your High Towers, And cut 0H your Sin~g0ds from you, Your carrion fling to your carrion Idols, And from you Myisoul tum away. I will turn your cities to deserts, And your sanctitications reject, And smell not the smell of your sweets. Your land shall be turned to a waste, And o'er it your enemies rule, And there shall dwell for them- selves; While I fling you out to the heathen, And after you blow scorching wind, And by it your land shall be Wasted, And your skins shall be burnt by its breath,·—-· Till the ground has enjoyed all its Sabbaths By the time that it lies as a waste, And your haters shall be in the land, Whilst it rests, and delights in its rest. It shall rest in itsdesolate time, For you gave it not rest in your rests, While upon it you rested your- selves. Your fragments shall have coward hearts, As you crouch in the lands of your foes;-— Who shall drive you by threatening voice; And you fly as men fly from hot blasts, And fall down when no one pur- sues. 28 33 34 35

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The History of the People of Israel