Leviticus - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 124

The Five Books of Moses

LEVITICUS. 37-—-14


39 43 44 45 As though from tha face of such blasts, Though no one pursues, And never stand up to your foes. You sha.11 wander among every nation, And tramp in the lands of your foes, And your remnants shall waste in your sms In the land of your foes as they watch, For the sins of your fathers and selves,—· Till comfessing the faults of your- selves, And the faults that your fathers have done; And your treacherous revolt against Me, And the fury with which you as- sailed! I, therefore, dealt fiercely with you, And brought to the land of your foes. If your hard hearts, however, there bow, And you purify them from their sms, I will think of My Bond made with jacob, And also with Isaac My Bond, And with Abraham remember My Covenant, And also remember the Land. Thus the Land rid of their load, And freed, shall in quietude rest. But they shall be gorged with their sms, And gorged by My judgments despised, And My Statutes their souls had abhorred. But tho' thus, inthe land of their foes,·—-· I will not reject them, nor loathe, So far as My Treaty to break, For I am their Sr1r.1.-1,1v11~:<; Gon! I therefore will bring to their minds My old treaty contracted with them In the sight of the Heathen around, To be their GGD,-—for I am THB 46 These are the Institutions and judgments and the Laws which the Evna—x.1v1x~re appointed between Israel at Mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses. Gly: Zulu nf §zrs¤u¤l Qnins mt manltinb. The EvEn—L1v11~ze also spoke to 27 Moses, saying; Speak to the children of Israel 2 and say to them, When a person separates himself, for you to value his life for the EVER-LIVING, you 3 shallvalue him for a male from twenty years old to sixty years; and your valuation for ia male shall be fifty shekels of silver by the sacred shekel, but if it is for a female, your valuation 4 shall be thirty shekels. But if from 5 five up to twenty years old, then the value of a male shall be twenty shekels, and for a female ten shekels. But if from a month upto live years 6 old, then the value of a male shall be five shekels ol silver, and for a female thevalue three-shekels of silver. But if they are sixty years old or more, if 7 a male, then the value shall be fifteen shekels, and for a female ten shekels. But if the redeemableperson is de- 8 fective, then he shall be placed before the priest, and the priest shall esti·· mate what may be the amount of his value for the vow he is to pay to the priest. holes iqmzt ‘ But if it is a beast that they sacri· g lice from, that is vowed to the EVER- LIVING, all that belongs to it shall be sacred to the EvEn—1.1viNG. They ro shall not alter or change it good for bad, or bad for good; but if it is changed it shall be changed for a beast of the same kind, andthe ex- change shall be sacred. But if of any unclean beast, which they do not offer as a gift to the EVER-L1viNG, then the beast shall be shown to the priest, and the. priest shall estimate its value between good and bad, and it shall be redeemed as the priest decides, but if theyredeem it, they shall thenadd a fifth part to the valuation. ¥¤h¤ ltpmt u Entrez. ’ But if a man devotes his house as

sacred to the Even-Lxvme, then the priest shall estimate between good

Himself and between the children of I and bad; as the priest values it so it

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The History of the People of Israel