16 lar to Melchi—sedek, He comes not ac- cording to a law of physical order, but
:7 by power of an unfailing life; for it is 18 20 22 26 28 witnessed: That You Ann AN u1‘mzNAL PRIEST, Accokmuc; T0 THE oxmck 03 Mzncm-smmx. But certainly when achzmge is made
from a. preceding order, it is through its weakness and use1ess¤ess·—for the law perfected nothing, but introduced a. better hope, by which we are brought near to God. And therefore this was not done without an oath, although they indeed became priests without an oath; but He with an oath by Him Who said to Him : Tun Loma swoxm Ann wxu. Nor ALTER, You Ann AN n‘rmz1~zAL PR1ns·r. By which a very much better settle- ment came, secured by jesus. And, indeed, they were many who
became priests, because they were prevented permanently remaining through death. But He, by con- tinuing for ever, holds the continuous Priesthood ; and so is able to perfectly save those coming to God through i Him, always living to rectifyon their behalf. For such a High Priest-Who is
holy, good, pure, free from sins, and Who has become higher than the heavens-beiits us; Who has no need every day, as those high priests, to Hrst 0Her a sacrifice for His own sins, then for those of the people-4for He did this once for all, offering Himself. For the law appointed men high priests who were weak; but the word of the oath, surpassing the law, a perfected Son for ever. And this is the sum total of these
reasonings: We have such a High Priest, Who sits by right upon the throne of the Majesty in the heavens ; a Minister of the Sacred Rites, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched and not man. For every High Priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; hence it is necessary that this One should also have something He might offer. If, therefore, He were upon earth, He could never be a Priest those existing to offer gifts according
to law; who serve as a sketch and a shadow of the heavenly, as Moses was commanded when about to com- 1 Psa. ex. 4.
plete the tabernacle. For TAKE CAR!. He said, You mixs au. Acconnmc ro run Monza snows ro You in ras Monunm. But now He performs a far better ser- 6 vice, inasmuch as He is the Mediator of a better settlement, which is enacted upon better promises. For if that first had been fanltless, He would not have sought a place for a second. For He says, reproaching them: SEE, THE r>AYs coma, savs run Loan, WHEN I wut. comrnxrz wsu: Is1zAnL's nousz AND run House or junan A Nzw surrrimnnr ; Nor Luce rr-in sn·r·rt.1mnN*r Mans wrru rama nrunas, IN rmt DAY wasn I roox 1*HnM wire MY mmo, To Luau FROM run LAN:) or EGYPT, WHEN rtmy xEMA1NE1> Nor IN MY PLAN, AND I wAs somzv rox ·rnEM, sAvs rt-tx Loan: Tms, THEN, is ·rnE s2·r·rr.EMnN·r I wn,1. MAxn Wxrn IsaAE1.’s House Arran rrtosn r>AYs, sAYs THE Loan, IN·ro ·rHE1R uNx>n1zs·rANn1No Pu! MY LAws, ANn oN renin umxrs I win:. WRITE THEM, Aim I wxu, an A Gon ro rnnu, AND THEY A PEOPLE BE TO ME I NOR EACH SHALL TEACH HIS FRIEND, AND EACH HIS BROTHER, SAYING, ; FOR EVERYONE SHALL UNDER- s·rANo ME, FROM THE LEAST UP IO THEIR GREATEST. FOR I WILL PITY THEIR TRANS- GRESSlONSt XG