Hebrews - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 1239

The New Testament


10--7 9 -5

IO II X2 16 18 golden incense, altar, and thc ark of the covenant plated everywhere with gold, in which were the golden jar holding the manna, and the blossom- ing rod of Aaron, and the records ofthe settlement ; and above it cherubim of glory overshadcwing the mercy-seat to which this is merely an allusion.

And being thus furnished with these, the priest performing the services always entered the first tabernacle; but into the second, the High Priest alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for the forgetfulness of himself and of the people, The Holy Spirit thus indicating that the way for the holy was not yet to be made visible while the Hrst tabernacle was standing, which was a representa- tive to the then existing time; while gifts and sacrifices were offered, unable to perfect the worshippers conscience, only consisting of food and drink, and·· diHerent washings, and bodily purincations, until a time of rectification arrived. But Messiah having arrived, a High

Priest ofthe benefits that are coming through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made by hands, that is not of this creation ; not with the blood of goats and bulls, but with His own blood, has entered once for all into the Holy place, having found an eternal redemption. For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the participators, could consecrate for the purification of the body ; how much rather can the blood of the Messiah, Who through an eternal Spirit offered Himself spotless to God, cleanse our conscience from dead rituals to serve a living God! And by means of this He is an inter- mediary of a new settlement; so that as a death was made for redemption from transgressions under the nrst settlement, those called for the eternal inheritance might receive the promise. For where there is a settlement, it is necessary that the settler should have been carried off by death; because a settlementcomes into force after death, for it never has edect while the settler lives. Whence neither the former was renewedi without blood; for every command of the law having been repeated by Moses to all the people, he, taking the blood of bulls and

1 Noi`:.-—Thls is the literal translation of

the Greek ivxcnaivtrrai of the Text, and that cena bears importance in the argument.—·F. F. goats,with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, sprinkled the book, itself, as well as all the people, saying: Tms IS THE BLOOD OF THE SETTLEMENT WHICH GOD HAS c0NcLU1>E1> wu'}! YOU} And he sprinkled in the same way with the blood the tabernacle, and all the instruments ofthe service. And almost everything under the law was purified by blood; and without shedding of blood no remission came. Therefore, as these representatives

of the heavenly things were purified, it was necessarythat the heavenly them- selves also by a better sacrifice than they. For Messiah entered not into a 20 21 22 handmade sanctuary, a representation of the true ; but into the heaven itself, where He now appears for us in the pre~ sence of God. Yet not so that He might 25 offer Himself often, as the High Priest entering the sanctuary yearly with blood of another; for then He must 26 often have suffered since the foundation of the universe. But now once for all, at the consummation of the ages, He has been manifested to abolish sin through the sacrifice of Himself, And inas· 27 much as it is appointed to men to die once, but afterthat a judgment: thus 28 also Messiah, having offered Himself once to take away sins from the many, will manifest Himself a second time, apart from sins, for the salvation of those expecting Him. For the Law, being a shadow of 10 these future benefits, not the represen- tation itself of the facts, was never able to perfect the attendants by those yearly sacrifices which were offered continua1ly—·—for then would they not have ceased to be offered P--because none of the worshippers would have consciousness of sins, having been once for all purified. But, on the contrary, in them there was a yearly reminder of sins; for the blood of bulls and goats was powerless to expel sins. Consequently, entering into the world, He says: YOU Dasmnb Nor sackimcz AND OFFEMNG, BUT YOU HAVE Pxnralmn A BODY ron Mn; BURN'!-OFFERINGS, AND Fox sms, DELIGHI You Nor; Ssa, I wu.; As wiurran or Mn in A wom.; Boox, 1 Exod. xxiv. 8. `I’*I'\I\

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 1239

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