t 5 faith is not able to save him. For if to a brother or sister in distress, and
:6 destitute of daily food, any one of you Oh, I am so sorry for you! go away; I hope you will get ; but does not give to them what is necessary for the bodily needs, what is the advantage?
:7 In the same way, the faith which is not brought into practice, is iu itself
:8 dead. But, on the other hand, some You have faith; I am Let me see your faith apart from its results; and I will illustrate the faith to you by means of my actions! xg You believe that there is one God; you do right——the demons also
zo believe, and shudder. But do you want to know, you vain man, that faith unaccompanied by results, is
zx worthless? Was not our forefather Abraham approved as righteous from the fact that he offered up his own
zz sou Isaac upon the altar? Thus you see his faith cooperated with his actions; and hom his actions his
23 faith was perfected ; and the scripture was fulfilled which says: ABRAHAM TRUSTED I0 Gon, Aun rr was PAID 1*0 Hm 1N 1uG1»1‘1‘E0¤sN¤ss;! and he was called Va Furuno or Gon. 24 You see then that a man is made hteousb rigg means of actions, and 25 not merely y means of faith. And in the same way, was not Rehab the innkeeper also made righteous by actions, inasmuch as she welcomed the Messengers, and dispatched them 26 by another road? Because, as the body without breath is lifeless, in the same way, the faith apart from action is also lifeless. ®n Qrihlixtg the dengue. Do not be all teachers, my brethren,
because you know that we shall undergo a severe examination; for we all err in many ways. If any one can guard against slips in conversa- tion, he is a perfect man, able also to restrain his whole body. When we put bits into the mouths of the horses, seas to render them obedient to us, we also control their whole body. 1 Gen. xv. 6. * Isa. xl!. 8. Observe also the ships, although they 4 are so large, and are tossed about by rough winds, are yet by means of a very small rudder turned in whatever direction the steersman may deter- 'mine. So the tongue, although a small organ, is nevertheless a great boaster! See also how the tiniest spark may kindle the mightiest forest ! And the tongue is a Bre—a universe
of wickedness l The tongue encamps in the midst of our organs, plundering the whole body, and firing the course of creation, and is set on nre by hell l For every species of wild beasts, as well as birds, with reptiles and fishes, has been tamed and can be tamed by the human genius; but nomen have ever been able to tame the tongue ! an undisciplined evil, full of deadly poison. With it we praise the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, created in the likeness of God. From the same mouthcome blessing and cursing. My brethren, it is not right for these things to be so. Does the fountain from the same cleft discharge both the sweet and the bitter? Can a fig-tree, my brethren, produce olives, or avine, dgs ? Neither can salt pro- duce sweet water. Ely: idrunf nf Mishra:. Who is wise and intelligent among
you? Let him exhibit it by the nobility of his conduct, with un- obtrusive wisdom. But if you have bitter emulation and rivalry in your hearts, however, do not boast nor lie against this truth. Such philosophy is not that descending from abovei but is, on the contrary, earthly, animal, demoniacal. For where jealousy and rivalry exist, there are also discord, and all vile practices. But the wisdom which is from above I0 II I2 is first pure, then peaceable, de- corous, docile, full of pity and fruits of beneficence; not censorious, unpretentious. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace, for the benefit of those who cultivate Ely: Qrigitt of Qisszusimts. Whence come wars? and whence
come contentions among you? Are they not from your vices fighting in your organs? You lust for, and pos- sess not; you murder, and quarrel; you fight and war, but cannot attain. TGA: 16 18