but repel the Devil, and he will fly from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you dissemblers. Be distressed, and mourn, and weep.
Let your laughter be turned to mourn- ing, and yourjoy to dejection. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. Do not, brethren, speak against one
another. The slanderer of his brother defames the law, and judges the law. But if you criticise the law, you are
rz not a doer of law, but a critic. The Law-giver and judge are the same—— the One who is able to save and to destroy; but you——who are you, to condemn your neighbour? 3 warning against ¥rz¤umpli¤n. To- day or to—morrow we will go to that city, and stay there a year; and we
You, however, are not certain where your life may be to·morrow. For you are a vapour, visible for awhile, and then
15 disappearing. Instead of that, _you 16 If the Lord should de- cide it, we shall both live and do this, But now you boast about your ambitions. All such boasting is wicked. If you therefore know how to do Now, come on, you rich! weep and yourmantleshavebecomemoth-eaten. Your gold and your silver are rusted through; and their rust shall become an evidence against you, and will con- sume your flesh. You have heaped up as for a fire at the end of your days. Listen! the wages of the workmen who have cultivated your estates, fraudu- lently detained by you, cries; and the complaints of the reapers have entered the ears of the LORD 01* HOSTS. You have luxuriated, and taken your
ease upon the earth; you have nursed your hearts in a time of festivity. You have convicted, you have murdered the‘]ust One. He did not resist you I dlp: nam: Qpprrmrly uf tbz iurh Qrzns. However, have patience, brethren,
until the appearance of the Lord. Look at the farmer, expecting the precious produce of the earth, waiting for it patiently, until he may receive both t e early and the late. Be you also patient; fortify your hearts: be- cause the appearance of the Lord approaches. Do not, brethren, com- plain against one another; so that you may not be condemned. See! the judge has already stationed Himself at the gates! Take, brethren, as a model of suffering, and of patience, the prophets who spoke in the name ofthe Lord. We consider them happy for having borne miseries. You have heard of suffering job ; and you see the object of the Lord, that the Lord is very pitiful and merciful. ®n 3¤1¤z-sweating. IO Il
But before all, my brethren, do not 12 swear, neither by the heavens, nor by the earth, nor any other kind of oath: but let your yes be yes ; and your no, no; so that you may not fall under a. sentence. §unhrg §§rr¤¤uu1 Exlyuriatimts. Is any one among you in distress ?
Let him pray. Is any one happy? Let him sing praise. Is any one among you sick ? Let him summon the elders of the assembly; and they will pray over him, applying to him oil with the power of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him; and if he should have committed sin, it shall be removed from him. Confess therefore your faults to one
another, and plead for one another; l246