and every eye shall look on Him, and those who pierced Him; eudover Him shall all the tribes of the earth lament. Yes, certainly. I am the Alpha and the Omega.} the God Who exists, and Who was, and Who comes—··the ` the ¥isimt iu fairies. g I, john, your brother, and partici- pator in the aiiliction, and kingship, and su5ering of ]esus,was in the island I0 II
to Pergamos, and to 'Ihyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to It accordingly turned to see the voice
which spoke to me. And having turned, I observed seven golden lamp- stands; and in the centre of the lamp- stands, onelike to theSon of Man, clad in a long robe,and fastened atthe waist
:4 withagolden belt, His head and His hair were white, like white wool, like snow; and Hiseyes like a dame of
x5 hre; and His feet like shining brass, when melting in a crucible; and His voice likethe sound of many waters;
16 and holding in Hisright hand seven stars; and e. sharp, double-edged sword drawn from its sheath; and His face was as when the sun shines in his strength. :7 And when I saw Him, I fell at His right hand upon me, saying, Fear not! I am the First and the Last,aud
18 the Living--and I became dead : yet behold, I am living in the eternities of the eteruities-—and_ possess the keys of Death and of the spirit-land.
rg Write therefore what you have seen,
what is, and what will come after these. The mystery of the seven stars ze which you saw upon my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands . the. seven stars are messengers of seven assemblies; and the seven lamp- stands are the seven assemblies} in the 3sszmblg in Gpbzsns. To the messenger to the assembly 2 in Ephesus write: ‘Thus says the Controller of the
seven stars by His right hand; Who walks in the cen tre of the seven golden lampstands: I know your position, your industry, and your patience; and that you cannot endure those who are wicked; that you have put to the test those who have called themselves apostles, and are not, and have found them false; and you have had patience, and have sudered because of My Name, and have not failed. I have, however, a charge against you-that you have forsaken your hrst love! Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen, and repent, and practise your former works; failing which, and unless you alter your mind, I will come and remove your lamp- stand from its place. You have 6 this to your account, however, that you hate the practices of the cor- rupters of the people, which I Myself also hate. ‘ Whoever hasan ear, let him listen 7 to what the Spirit says to the assem- blies. To the conqueror I will give to eat hom the tree of life which grows in the garden of God. En tbz 3¤zzmhlg in Smyrna. To the messenger to the assembly 8 in Smyrna write: ‘~’I`hus says the First and the Last, Who became dead, yet lives: I know 9 your amiction and poverty-—you are nevertheless rich-and the insolence of those who assert themselves to be jews, and are not, but are, on the contrary, a synagogue of Satan. Never fearwhat you are about to endure; for the Devil is about to imprison some of yon, in order that you may be tried; and for ten days you shall be tortured by adliction. Be faithful even to death, and I will grant you the crown of life. ‘ Whoever has an ear, let him listen
to what the Spirit says to the assem I0 I! blies. The conqueror shall never bt 1256