heaven: a Woman clad with the sun; and the moon beneath her feet; and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And she was with child: and cried, agonized and tormented to bring forth. Then another sign was seen in the
heaven 2 a great red dragon, possessing seven heads and ten horns; and upon his heads seven crowns. And his tail swept down the third of the stars of the sky, and threw them upon the earth. And the dragon placed himself before the woman who was about to be delivered; so that when she was delivered he might devour her child. And she bore a son, a man who will rule with an iron rod all the nations. And her child was conveyed up t0· wards God, and towards His throne; but the woman Bed to the desert, where God had a retreat prepared for her, so that they might feed her for one thousand two hundred and sixty days. There was also war in the heaven:
Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought; but they could not con- quer, nor was a place longer found for them in the heaven. And the great dragon was thrown out-the old ser- pent, called the Devil, and Accuser, the deceiver of the whole of the habit- able world ,··-was thrown tothe earth; and his angels were thrown with him. Then I heard aloud voice in heaven,
Now has come the sal- vation, and the power, and the king- dom of our God; and the authority of His Messiah: because the accuser, of our brethren, who day and night ac- cused them before God, has been thrown out. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the fact of their evidence; and they loved not their life better than death. Exult therefore.O heavens, and you who are sheltered in them! Woe to the earth, and to the sea !——becanse the Devil has descended to you, in great fury, knowing that his time is short}
of God, and cling to the evidence of jesus. And he stationed himself upon the sand of the sea. Then I saw awild beast coming up
out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads; and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads blas- phemous names. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard; but his feet as of a bear, while his mouth as the mouth of a lion. The dragon also invested him with his power, and his throne, and great authority. Yet one of his heads seemed as if wounded for death; but his deadly wound was healed. Therefore the whole earth was wondering after the beast; and they worshipped the dragon because he had transferred his authority to the beast: and worshipped the beast, say- Whois equal to the beast! who A mouth was also given to him, speaking boast- fully and blasphemously; and hewas endowed with authority to work for forty-two months. So he opened his mouth in slanders against God, to slander His name, and His tent, and those sheltered in heaven. He was also allowed to wage war with the holy, and to conquer them; and authority was granted to him over every tribe, and people, and language, and nation. And the whole of the inhabitants of the earth shall pay him homage, every one whose name has not been recorded in the Book of Life of the Lamb sacrificed from the foun- dation of the world. If any one has ears, let him hear! If any one would capture, he will be captured. if any 1263 :6 18 I0