Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 129

The Five Books of Moses

NUMBERS. 8- 36 and they shall serve with him, and guard what is iutrustcd to him, and the trusts of all the congregation, in the Hall of Assembly, and perform the services ofthe sanctuary. They shall alse guard all the furniture of the Hall of Assembly, and the trusts of the children of Israel, and perform the services of the sanctuary. There- fore give the Levites to Aaron and his sons. Presenting them to him as au offering for the children of Israel,n

10 and instruct Aaron and hissous, that they must preserve the priesthood, and thestranger who approaches it Separation nf ily: Grilm uf Eziri. II I2 16 18 20 21 22 The Evmz-Lrvmc also spoke to Moses commanding; ‘ I, also, now, have taken the

Levites from among they children of Israel; so the Levites shall be Mine, for all the firstborn were Mine at the time when I cut off all the firstborn in the land of the Mitzeraim, I than dedicated all the firstborn of Israel to Myself, from man and also from beast, They shall be Mine. I am the EVER-LIVING. mic ¥efrit2s is liz ®rgsui;;zh. The Evan-1.1v1NG. also spoke to

Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai, commanding, ‘,Organize the sons of Levi by

their ancestral houses from their registers,—you must organize every male from a month oid and upwards! Moses consequently organized

them as the EvEn·L1v1NG com+ mandecl; and these were the sons of Levi by their names ;·—Ghershon, and Kahath, and Merari. And these were the names of the

sons of Ghershon, by their registers, Libni and Shimai. And the sons of Kahath, by their

registers, Amram and Itzar, Khabron and Ouzial. And the sons of Merari by their registers,Makhli, and Mashi. These are from the registers of the

ancestral houses of Levi; from the registers of Ghershon, from the registers of Libni ; from the registers of Shimai. These were from the registers of the Ghershonites. They were organized from the

books, every male from a mouth old and upwards; ¥—·their enrolment was seven thousand, five hundred. .l`he families of the Ghershonites 23 shall encamp behind the sanctuary, to the westward; and the commander of the house of the ’Ghershonites shall be Aliasaph the son of Lael. Thus the duties of the sons of Gher- shon shall be in the Hall of Assembly about the sanctuary, and the sacred tabernacle, and the screen before the entrance of the Hall of Assembly, and the curtains of the court, and the screen at the entrance ofthe court, that is above the sanctuary; and around the altar, and all the instru- ments for the whole ofthe services. And those enrolled from the

families of the Amramites, and from the families of the Izeharites, and from the families of the Khabronites, and from the families of the Azrialites, those who were from the`fami1ies of Kaharites according to the register, all the males, from a month old and upwards, were eight thousand, six hundred to form the guard of the Holy Place. 1`he families. of the sons of

Kahath shall encamp upon the south side ofthe sanctuary; and the com- mander of the families of Kahathites shall be Alizaphan the son of Azial. They shall be entrusted with the ark, and the table, and the lamp, andthe altars, and the sacred furniture, which they shall guard; with the screen, and all the appliances of the services. The prince who commands the Levites shall be Aliazar the son of Aaron, the priest, who shall be appointed to guard the sacred trusts. But in conjunction with Merari

were the families- of Makhli, and the family of Mushi. They were with the family of Merarit They were also en- rolled in the registerevery male from a month old and upwards, six thou- sand, two hundred; ‘And the commander of the

ancestral house of Merari shall be Tzurial the sonof Abikhail. They shall encamp at the north side of the sanctuary; and the duties of the sons of Merari shall be the guardianship of the planks of the sanctuary; and the cross·bars, and the pillars; and 26 28 33 34 35

from the son of a

I .¢., a renewal of the simplest astronomical cycle, a month. Com- ·—F. F.


Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0129

The History of the People of Israel