why should You give to ma, when I go childless? cmd the possessor of my house will be Eliezer of Damascus? ' Look at me; You have not given me offspring, so that the steward of my house will become my heir. But the EvER—1.1v1z~z<; answered
'I`hat man shall not be your heir; but one who shall owe his birth to yourself, shall become your Then He took him to the open,
Look up to the sky, and count the stars ;—~·if you are able to telling him also, And Abram believed inthe EVER-Lxvmc, and it was repaid to him in righteous- I am the EvER—L1v1NG Who brought you 16 18 20 from Ur of the Kaldees to give you this land as an inheritahce.’ Mighty LORD, how
am I to know that I shall inherit it? ’ Select for
me a three-year-old heifer, a three- year-old goat, a three—year·old ram, a turtle dove, and a young pigeon} Taking all these he split them in the
middle, and placed each part opposite its neighbour, but he did not split the birds. Then the kites descended upon the carcases; but Abram drove them away. And, when the sun was sinking, a stupor fell upon Abram, and also a great and terrible darkness oppressed him. Know this,
and be assured that your race will be foreigners in a land not their own, and they shall enslave them and oppress them for four hundred years. The nation which enslaves them, however, I will punish, and after that I will bring them out with great wealth. But you shall go to your forefathers in peace; you shall be buried with beautiful grey hairs. And in several generations they shall return here, when the sins of the Amorites will be complete} After the sun set, followed by thick
darkness, abright cloud appeared ; a blazing fire, which passed between the pieces. At the same time the EVER- Lzvmc made a covenant with Abram, I will give this country to your race, from the Piver of Egypt to the great River Euphrates: The Kenite, the Kenizzite, the Kadmonite, the Hittite and the Perizzite, and the 21 Refaim, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Girgashite, and the jebusite. §nrni abiriszs §\Irram in mztrrg Zljngnr. Sarai, Abram’s wife, had given him 16 no children, but she had an Egyptian maid named Hagar. So Sarai said to See, now, the EVER-LIVING has kept me childless, therefore go to my maid, perhaps she will have a son And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. Therefore Sarai, the wife of Abram, took Hagar the Egyp- tian maid, at the end of the tenthyear of Abram’s residence in the land of Canaan, and gave her to Abram her husband, as a wife. S0 he went to Hagar, and she conceived ; when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despicable in her eyes. My wrong came from you. I gave my maid to you as wife, and she sees that she has conceived, and I am de- spicable in her eyes. Let the EVER- Livmc decide between me and you. Well,
your maid is under your hand ; do to her whatever you consider right. So Sarai persecuted her, and she ded from her presence. A messenger of 7 the Even-ravine met her, however, at thelWell of Waters in the Desert, at the ‘vVell by the road to the Wall} 8 Hagar, servant of Sarai, where are you going, and what are you weeping for? I am flying from the hand of Sarai, my mistress. But the messenger ofthe EVER-LIVING 9 Return to your mistress, and The EVER- Liv1NG’s. messenger further said to Iwillgreatlyincrease your race, so that they cannot be numbered for multitude? The EvnR—L1v1No’s mes- You are now with child, and you will give birth to a son, and you must call his name lshmael,2 for Gon heard your sorrow. And he shall be a free man ; his hand shall b_e with every man, and the hand of every man with him, and he shall stand up in the presence of all his brothers.’ IO
1 The wall across the Isthmus of Suez built to protect Egypt from border raiders. >},~2}7¤\D\=lsh· mael in Hebrew.--F. F.