Genesis - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 15

The Five Books of Moses



Shc accordingly called the name of

the Evan-1,1vmc Who spoke to her. You_ are the G0!) I saw; I can say

this; for I have lived after, He S0 the well was the Well of the Visloh of It is situated betweexi Kadesh aud Bered; And Hagar gave birth to a son to Abram; and Abram called the name. of his son by her, Ishmael. Abram was eighty—six years old when Hagar gave birth to Ishmael to Abram. dll}: Scwuh Mqxzarunrz nf bbuhab in Qhrmn, ani: ¥r¤mi¤z nf a Sun 17 in §urai. When Abram was niuety·six years

_ old, the EvER—L1v1NG revealed again I am Gon ALmGH’1‘Y, walk before Me and be perfect; and I will make a Cove- nant between Myself andyou; and I will increase you very, very greatly! Abram then fell on his face, and

I new make a Covenant with you, and you shall be a father ofymanynations; so your name shall be Abraham; for you shall be the. father of many nations. And I will make you very fruitful, and I will make nations and kingdoms proceed from you. I will also establish My Covenant between Myself and you, and with your de- scendants after you from generation to generation for ever, to be a GOD to you and yourrace after you. -1 will also give to you and your race this country where you are a foreigner, the whole land of Canaan for a possession forever, and I will be their GOD} g GOD also repeated to Abraham, ‘ Nowithis- is the Covenant which you I0 I2 shall. keep, as well as your race after you, in their generations. This is the Covenant which you shall keep between Myself and you, and your race after you; Circumcise every-male ; and they shall be circum— cised in the foreskin of the body, for an attestation of the Covenant between, Myself and them; And upon the eighth day every male shall be circurncised, in their generations, whetherfbornof the family, or pur- chased for money; although he is not of your race; Whoever is the 1 See note 2 on p. 14

child of your own family, or bought for money, shall be circumcised ; and it is My Covenant in your body as an everlasting bond. Butlthe degraded male who has not been circumcised shallthen become separated from M y people, because he has broken the Covenant? GOD further . said to Abraham,

‘Sarai, your wife, shall no more be called bythe name of Sarai,»for Sarah shall be her name; and I will _bless her,·and also give you a son from her, and she shall become the mother of nations, and of kings of peoples. Then,Abraham. fell upon his face

and laughed. and said in his heart, ‘ When I am an hundred years old? and will Sarah also, when ninety Then I wish that Ishmael might live in Your favour} 16

$¤h repeals Qi; Qrcmisz is Usliutazl. Feeble Sarah, rg your wife, shall give you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I and I will Bx My Covenant with him as an evere lasting Covenant for his race after him. A And for Ishmael I have also ao heard you. My Blessing will be with him, and I will cause him to prosper and extend him very greatly. He shall beget twelve princes, and I_ will grant him to become a great nation ; but that other is the covenantlrwill fix- with Isaac, whom Sarah your wife Then He ceased to converse with Him,and the Divine Messenger went up from Abraham. 2l 22

Abraham accordingliy took his son 23 Ishmael, and all who were born in his family, and all bought witlf his money, every male of the- people of the householdof Abraham, and cir· cumcised the foreskin of their bodies on that very day which God spoke to hint, And Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised in the foreskiniof the body. Ishmael also was thirteen years of age when he was circumcised in the foreskin of his body. V On the very same day Abraham and his son Ishmael were circumcised. All the men born in his house, or bought with his money, and foreigners, were circumcised with him. i Laughter. 26

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0015

The History of the People of Israel