Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 149

The Five Books of Moses


19-7 wood, and scarlet wool, and ashes from among thc ciudors of the heifer. ‘ The priest shall then change his

clothing, and wash his body with water, and afterwards return into the camp. But the priest shall be unclean until the evening. Those who burnt her also shall change their clothes, and wash their bodies in water, and be unclean until the evening. ‘ Afterwards a clean man shall

remove the ashes of the heifer and place them outside the camp in a clean place, and they shall be as a witness to the children of Israel to keep themselves from the impurity of sin. Then the remover of the ashes of the heifer shall strip off his clothes, and be unclean until the evening. @1;; law ugaimat ®mziagi¤¤ hg a II I2 Gnrpsz. This also shall be a perpetual

Institution to the children of Israel, and to the foreigners who reside among them, that whoever touches the corpse of a man shall be unclean for seven days. If he o&'ers a sin- olfering on the third day, then he shall be clean on the seventh day : but if he does not offer a sin-o&'ering on the third day he shall not be clean on the seventh. Whoever touches a corpse,-—··the

body of a man who died;-—and does not make a sin·0ffering at the sanc- tuary of the EVER-LIVING, is defiled ; and that person shall be excommuni- cated from Israel, because he has not washed the filth from 05 himself with water; he shall be unclean while the impurity is on him. Sanitary Exiles ulmui Qzaihs. These are the laws about persons who have died in a dwelling. All who x6 come to the dwelling, and all who are in the dwelling are unclean for seven days. Every vessel, also, which is open, unless there is a lid upon the opening, is denied. And whoever touches a man killed in Hght, or the honesof a man, or killed accidentally, shall be dehled for seven days. You shall consequently take to the deiiled person some of the ashes of the fires of sin-0H'erings, and put them on living water, in a cup, and take hyssop and dabble with the water the 20.-8

man whois to be purified, and sprinkle it upon the dwelling and over all the furniture, and over all the persons who may be there, and over the man who has touched the bones, or the slain, or the dead by accident, and sprinkle the purincation upon the deliled at the third day, and uponthe seventh day, and make a sin·offering for him upon the seventh day, and he shall change his clothes and bathe in water, when he shall be purined at evening. But the man who is defiled, and does not oier a sin- olierlng, that person shall be excluded from the entry into the Holy Assembly of the Evan-1,1v1NG. The denied not having washed his filth from off him, is unclean. Therefore this shall be a- perpetual Institution to you; and for this reason the nlthy shall change their clothes, and who touches anything Hlthy shall be unclean until the evening; and all that touches him whois unclean, shall be unclean, and the person he touches shall be unclean until the evening. 20 21 22 £¤rrly tu tbz Wilbzrness nf Wgin. All the congregation ofthe children 20 of Israel afterwards marched to the Wilderness of Tzin, in the first month, and settled in Kadesh. NowrMiriam died there, and they buried her there. However water was dedcient for the nation, so they appealed to Moses and Aaron, and the people disputed with Moses, and, complaining, they said ;-·—“ Oh that expiring we could die before the LQRD l And why has the LORD brought the congregation to this Wilderness,-we and our cattle? And why did He bring us up from Mitzer to conduct us to this vile place? It is not a place of vege- tables, and hgs, and cucumbers, and pomegranates l and there is no water Moses and Aaron therefore went

before the crowd at the opening of the Hall of Assembly, and fell on their faces, and the Majesty of the EvER·L1v1NG appeared over them. Ul): Waters of $irifz: Water lrrmzgiyt from ily: Ruth. Then the Evan-Lxvmo spoke to 7 Moses, commanding; ‘ Take your staff, and convoke the 8 Parliament,—·you and your brother Aaron,-—and command the rock in

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0149

The History of the People of Israel