Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 150

The Five Books of Moses


21-3 20--—g

IO I! their sight, and it will give them water; and bring out water for them from the rock, and quench the thirst of the people aud their‘ca.ttle. Moses therefore took his staff from

the presence of the EvER—L1v1N<;, as he was commanded ; and Moses and Aaron addressed the crowd before the rock, and said to them; Listen now you rebels! out of

this very rock water shall come for Then Moses raised his hand, and

struck the rock with his staff twice, and a rush of water came out, and quenched the thirst of the people and of their cattle. 1 2 But the EvEn·L1VING said to Moses Becauseyou have not been true to Me, to consecrete Me in the sight of the children of Israel, you shall not bring this People into the land which I will give them} 13 These were the Waters of Strife,1 where the children of Israel strove

with the Evmz—L1v1NG. But He was sanctihed at them. ’®l;c §iug of (Eben: nskzh in 3ll¤tu israel to Qhazs. 14 Moses afterwards sent messengers from Kadesh to the Commander of Edom, to say ; ‘ Thus says your brother Israel,

you know all the labours that we have

15 met. How our fathers went down to the Mitzereim and resided in Mitzer many days, and how the Mitzerites

x6 ill·treated our fathers. But we ap- pealed to the EVER-Lxvme and He heard our voice, and senta messenger, and brought us from among the Mit— zerites, and now we are st Kadesh a village at the edge of your borders.

1 7 Let us now pass throughpyour country. We will not pass through farms and vineyards. We will not drink of water from the wells, but travel upon the Travelling Highway. We will not delay in our march nor extend to the right or the left when we cross your boundaries} You shall not pass through me,-—-or I will advance with the sword, and iight I will go up by the mountain road, and if I

drink water I will buy it, and I will give a price for biscuits. Nothing shall stick to my feet as I pass over.' You shall not zo And Edom came out to fight with the People grievously, and with a strong hand. Thus Edom 21 refused to give Israel a passage through his boundaries. So Israel turned away from them. Marci; in the '§iglylauhs. Then the children of Israel marched, 22 all the nation, to the peak of the Highlands, where the EvER—L1V1NG 23 said to Moses and Aaron in the High- lands, on the borders of the land of Edom;—·- Quill; of §nr¤u. ‘ Aaron shall be added to his people,

because he shall not arrive at the land which I will give to the children of Israel, because you did not exalt My Presence at the Waters of Strife. Take Aaron and his son Aliazar, and ascend with them the Peak of the Highlands, where Aaron shall take off his robes, and you shall put them upon Aliazar his son. And after- wards Aaron shall die there. Moses consequently did as the

EvER—L1V1NG commanded, and as- cended the Peak of the Highlands,in the sight of all the People. Then Moses stripped Aaron of his robes, 26 28 and clothed Aliazar his son with them, and Aaron died there on the top of the Peak. Then Moses and Aliazar came down from the Peak. And all the People saw the death 29 of Aaron, all the house of Israel; so they wept for Aaron thirty days. W32 wansnilzs of 3rnh aiiuclt israel. When the Cananites ofthe kingdom 21 of Arad, who occupied the south, heard that Israel was coming by the road of the Atharim, they fought with Israel, and took some of them prison~ ers. Then Israel waved a vow to the Evan-Livmo, and said;

hand, then I will destroy their towns. And the Evan-1.1vmo listened to

the voice of Israel, and gave them the Cananites; so they destroyed them and their towns, and named the dis· trict Destruction. °°°FI FO Y!l\

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0150

The History of the People of Israel