Numbers - Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation page 152

The Five Books of Moses



21-23 only, until I have passed over your b0unda.ries.‘ Silyuu Qzfuszz smh ibn 2\m¤riiz¤ 26 28 30 33 34 35 are @zf2ui2h. But Sihou would not allow Israel

to pass over his borders; so Sihon collected all his forces and advanced to attack Israel in the desert. When he arrived at Yatz, he fought with Israel, but Israel defeated him by the swords, and seized the country from the Amon as far as the }abok, from the sons of Ammon,-—fo1· that is the boundary of the Amorites. The Israelites also captured all the cities Israel occupied all the villages of

the Amorites,-——with Heshbon and all its villages; for Heshbon was the capital of Sihon, the king of the Amorites, for formerly he had zi war with the king of Moab, and took the whole of his country from his posses- sion as far as the Amon. Therefore the poets say ;·~·· ‘ Bring straw to Heshbon, And build a city for Sihou, For a fire coming from Heshbou, A flame from the palace of Sihon, Has burntup Ar of Moab, Going up to the cliffs of Amon! Alas! for you, Moab, the people of Kemoshl Your sons are given to flight, And your girls as slaves to Sihon the Amorite king; And the archers destroy from Heshbon to Dibon, And waste from Noph as far as Thus Israel occupied the country of the Amorites. Unger Wnpiurzlr. Moses then sent infantry to Ia-zer,

who captured it and its villages, and they drove out the Amorites who were there. Then they turned and ascended by the road from Heshbon, when Og, king of Bashan advanced to attack them, he and all his forces, in the battle of Adrai. But the Evan-Lrvmc said to Moses ; ‘Fear him nctl For I will give

him into your hand,-—him and all his People, and his country; and you shall do to him as you did to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who resided in They consequently de- feated him, and his sons, and all his forces, until there was not a detach- ment left to him, and they seized his country. Then the children of Israel marched 22 and encamped again at the fords of Moab, at the ford of the Torrent, opposite jerikho. @alnli scuba for hlnlsmm. When Balak the son of T zifor saw all

that Israel had done to the Amorites, Moab was greatly terrified at the presence of the People,—-for they were many,-—and Moab was startled at the sight of the children of Israel. Therefore Moab said to the judges of Now this Crowd is licking up all round about us, like a bullock So Balak the son of Tzifor, the king of Moab, was terrified. Consequently he sent ambassadors to Balaam the son of Beor, of Pethor, which is by the river of the land of the sons of Amo, to invite him, saying; Wye Welter in Qnlnmxr. ‘A nation has come out from the

Mitzeraim and covers the face of the country, and it occupies my borders. So, now, I pray you to come and curse this People for me, for it is stronger than mine, so that I may be able to defeat and drive it from the country; for I know that whoever you bless is lucky, and whoever you curse is unfortunate l ’ The princes of Moab consequently

went, with the princes of Midian, with presents in their hands, and came to Balaam, and gave him the message of Balak, and he replied, ‘ Stay here to·night, and I will return to you the answer that the EVER- So the princes of Moab stayed with Balaam. But a Divine Messenger came to g Who are these men with you P ' Balak the

son of Tzifor, king of Moab, has sent to me, ‘There is a People that has come from Mitzer and it covers the face of the country. Now come, curse it for me, so that I may be able to fight with, and drive it away! ’ Then the Messenger replied to

You must not go with them, nor curse this People-··—for it is 152 IO II I2

Ferrar Fenton Bible page 0152

The History of the People of Israel